21. 11. 2022, at 10.57, written by OGROInženirska zbornica Slovenije (IZS) je na slavnostnem dogodku podelila nagrado za inženirsko odličnost ter pozdravila nove člane zbornice. Matična sekcija Matična sekcija rudarjev in geotehnologov (MSRG) je bogatejša za šest novih članov. Čestitamo!
Naša diplomantka nominirana za inženirko leta.
21. 11. 2022, at 10.41, written by OGROV okviru iniciative Inženirke in inženirji bomo, ki mlade navdušuje za inženirstvo, tehniko, naravoslovje in inovativnost, letos poteka že peti, jubilejni izbor Inženirka leta. Med nominiranke za Inženirko leta 2022 je uvrščena tudi naša alumna Jerneja Sedlar. Jerneja Sedlar je projektna inženirka v službi za razvoj in investicije v HSE. Študirala je rudarstvo in geotehnologijo ... Read more
Open day for 2nd and 3rd cycle
3. 6. 2015, at 11.08, written by OGROOpen Day for students aiming to enroll in master’s and doctoral studies at the Faculty of Natural Science and Engineering in the academic year 2015/16 will be on Thursday 11 June 2015: Geotechnology Master’s study programme (2nd cylce) Aškerčeva 12, Room P-112, at 15 p.m. Materials Science and Engineering (OMM, OGRO, FKKT, FMF) Doctoral study ... Read more
New website OGRO
1. 6. 2015, at 12.00, written by OGROWelcome to the renewed website of the Department of Geotechnology, Mining and Environment (OGRO) at Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering (NTF). With the extension of content, new visual identity and friendly interface we want to improve the user experience of our students, employees and business partners. In addition, now through the quick menus, useful ... Read more
New promotional material
27. 5. 2015, at 13.00, written by OGROAt the Department of Geotechnology, Mining and Environment, within the project of Internationalization of the University of Ljubljana, a new promotional brochure was released. In the brochure we are presenting our faculty, chair and study programmes. Brochure is available in Slovenian and English languages, both representing a comprehensive study programmes in 1st level (GIR and ... Read more
The new name of the department – OGRO
30. 4. 2015, at 12.00, written by OGROAt the initiative of the Department of Geotechnology and Mining, the Senate of NTF has on the 18th session (23. 4. 2015) discussed a proposal to change the name of the department. The Department of Geotechnology and Mining renamed into the Department of Geotechnology, Minig and Environment (OGRO). The new name of the department represents all three ... Read more