5th semester2400195043530
Engineering geology and hydrogeology450450906
Deep drilling I300300604
Technical mining I600150756
Foundation of structures450450906
Modelling and simulations300300604
Technical optional subject I300300604
6th semester195301209043530
Deep drilling II300150453
Ore dressing and recycling4515150756
Rock mechanics4515300906
Surveying in geotechnology and mining I300150453
Technical optional subject II450450906
Diploma thesis00090906
Optional coursesHoursECTS
Geotechnical constructions4515300906
Technical English language015300454
Construction materials300300604
Applied geophysics450450906
Practical training II0001201206
Fluids in geotechnology300300604

Abbreviations used for the syllabus:
L – lectures
S – seminar
P – practice
O – other forms of educational activities (mainly project work)
ECTS – European Credits Transfer System (1 credit point equals a 30-hour student workload or 20 hours of practice)
Grey – Grey written courses are not carried out in this academic year

In the 5th semester, four credit points are intended for technical subjects from the list, and in the 6th semester, the number of credits for the subjects from the same list is 6 credit points.

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