5th semester1653010513543530
Technology and environment300300604
Research drilling I300300604
Management of waste materials3015015604
Landfills for waste materials301500454
Practical training0001201208
Technical optional subject I450450906
6th semester180151204545030
Underground structures I4503015906
Ore dressing and recycling45151515906
Research drilling II3001515604
General optional subject II300300604
Technical optional subject II300300604
Diploma thesis0000906
Optional coursesHoursECTS
Underground structures II45151515906
Basics of reinforced concrete constructions300300604
Technical mining II450450906
Underground landfills for waste materials4503015906
Utilization of geothermal energy3001515604
Measurements encyclopedia4503015906
Measurements in geophysics3001515604
Basics of underground fluid modelling300300604
Advanced strength of materials450450906

Abbreviations used for the syllabus:
L – lectures
S – seminar
P – practice
O – other forms of educational activities (mainly project work)
ECTS – European Credits Transfer System (1 credit point equals a 30-hour student workload)

In 4th and 6th Semester, students can choose between optional subjects of other FNS programs of study, optional subjects at other UL members or other Universities in Slovenija or abroad. Extent of selectivity enabled is up to six credit points in 4th and up to 4 credit points in 6th Semester. UL entered yet or will enter into agreement on recognition of the credit system study with listed institutions.

In 5th semester, the extent of six credit points is meant for technical subjects from the list and in 6th semester the extent of credits for the subjects from the same list is four credit points.

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