

Izberi si

3. 6. 2015, at 14.47, written by IGT
During the “Project Week 2015” a presentation of optional courses will take place for the students of: 1st level (GIK GMT): Wednesday, 10. 6. 2015 at 9.30 and again at 10.30 (P3 and P5). 2nd level (GIKM): Thursday, 11. 6. 2015 at 12.00 (P1, later P5)   Presentations of 1st level will be held simultaneously in ... Read more

Lecture »Working with Pantone«

1. 6. 2015, at 13.41, written by IGT
Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering (NTF), Department of Textiles, Graphic Arts and Design (OTGO), in collaboration with HSH d.o.o., which represents the company Pantone in Slovenia, invites you to an interesting lecture on the entire PANTONE program. Pantone is used for daily work by graphic designers, printers, packaging designers, fashion designers, designers of textile, ... Read more

Exhibition OD DO

31. 5. 2015, at 14.00, written by IGT
After the whole semester battle the students of 2nd year Graphic and interactive communications (GIK) and Graphics and media technology (GMT) have successfully completed the project Visualization route, supervised under dr. Klementina Možina, dr. Blaž Rat and dr. Tanja Nuša Kočevar, made in the course of Media visualization. We were drawing lines, created routes on ... Read more

Project Week 2015

25. 5. 2015, at 19.04, written by IGT
In the days from 8 to 12. 6. 2015, a “Project Week” will be held with a series of events and exhibitions of students’ works, which arose in the context of different courses at undergraduate and postgraduate level. We invite you to interesting lectures, to the event “Izberi si”, where you will find details of ... Read more
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