Student exchanges

Erasmus+ Student Exchange

About Erasmus+ exchange+

Erasmus+ is a seven-year programme supported by the European Union. The principle aim of the programme is to improve the level of education, know-how, skills and creativity, which are the cornerstones of the European knowledge society.
Erasmus+ enables young people, students and adults to acquire experience and new skills during studies, training or volunteer work abroad. At the same time, the programme will lend support to institutions and organisations when it comes to cooperating with similar institutions in other countries in order to encourage innovation and update teaching practices and youth work.

The Erasmus+ programme rests on five key pillars:

  • Key Action 1 (KA1): Learning Mobility of Individuals;
  • Key Action 2 (KA2): Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices;
  • Key Action 3 (KA3): Support for Policy Reform;
  • the Jean Monnet programme and
  • the Sports programme.

At the University of Ljubljana, the Office of International Cooperation and Exchanges is responsible for the implementation of KA1. The Office is responsible for foreign students who opt to do their exchange in Slovenia, while Slovenian students going abroad are offered similar support from offices belonging to host institutions.
Detailed information on student learning mobility is available in the guidelines: Erasmus+ Instructions for Students

All official documents are available on University website.

Exchange agreements+


Erasmus code School Study cycle No. of Students
A KLAGENF01 Universitaet Klagenfurt 1. in 2. st. 2


Erasmus code School Study cycle No. of Students
B GENT39 Arteveldehogeschool, Gent 1. st. 2


Erasmus code School Study cycle No. of Students
BG SOFIA20 University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy Sofia 1. in 2. st. 2


Erasmus code School Study cycle No. of Students
CH BERN11 Bern University of the Arts 1. in 2. st. 2
CH BERN11 Bern University of Applied Sciences 1. in 2. st. 2

CZ-Czech Republic

Erasmus code School Study cycle No. of Students
CZ PARDUB01 University of Pardubice, Department of Graphic Arts and Photophysics 1. in 2. st. 2
CZ BRNO01 Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Chemistry 1., 2. in 3. st. 3


Erasmus code School Study cycle No. of Students
D BERLIN30 HMKW, University of Applied Sciences 1. in 2. st. 2


Erasmus code School Study cycle No. of Students
DK KOLDING07 Desigenskolen Kolding 1. in 2. st. 1


Erasmus code School Study cycle No. of Students
E MADRID33 Universidad Camilo Jose Cela, ESNE, Madrid 1. st. 2
E SEVILLA63 CEADE-Leonardo, Sevilla (samo v špan. j.) 1. st. 2
E VALENCI13 School of Higher Studies of Design, Valencia-EASD 1. st. 2


Erasmus code School Study cycle No. of Students
F-AURILLA06 Lycée de la Communication St Géraud, Aurillac 1. in 2. st. 2
F-GRENOBL22 INP Institute of Engineering, Grenoble 2. st. 2


Erasmus code School Study cycle No. of Students
G EGALEO02 University of West Attica, Athens 1. st. 2


Erasmus code School Study cycle No. of Students
HR ZAGREB01 University of Zagreb, Faculty of Graphic Arts 1., 2. in 3. st. 4
HR ZAGREB05 Polytechnic of Zagreb 1. in 2. st. 2


Erasmus code School Study cycle No. of Students
HU BUDAPES16 Obuda University, Faculty of Light Industry and Environmental Protection Engineering 1. in 2. st. 2+2


Erasmus code School Study cycle No. of Students
I URBINO05 Instituto Superiore per le Industrie Artistiche – ISIA Urbino 1. in 2. st. 2


Erasmus code School Study cycle No. of Students
LT VILNIUS14 Vilnius College of Technologies and Design, Lithuania 1. in 2. st. 2

MK-Severna Makedonija

Erasmus code School Study cycle No. of Students
MK SKOPJE04 International Balkan University, Skopje 1. in 2. st. 2


Erasmus code School Study cycle No. of Students
P LISBOA109 Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Belas Artes – FBA 1., 2. in 3. st. 1
P CASTELO01 Instituto Politecnico del Castelo Branco 1. in 2. st. 2
P TOMAR 01 Instituto Politecnico de Tomar 1. in 2. st. 2


Erasmus code School Study cycle No. of Students
PL LODZ05 Academy of Fine Arts in Lodz 1. in 2. st. 1
PL LODZ02 Tecnical University of Lodz 1., 2. in 3. st. 2
PL WARSZAW02 Politechnika Warszawska 1. in 2. st. 2


Erasmus code School Study cycle No. of Students
RO BUCURES29 National University of Arts, Bucharest 1. st. 2


Erasmus code School Study cycle No. of Students
RS NOVISAD02 University of Novi Sad, Serbia 1., 2. in 3. st. 2 + 2 + 2


Erasmus code School Study cycle No. of Students
SK BRATISL01 Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava 1., 2. in 3. st. 2


Erasmus code School Study cycle No. of Students
TR ISTANBU29 Istanbul Arel University 1. in 2. st. 2

Coordinator of the Erasmus+ programme at the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering:
dr. Alenka Šalej Lah
Tel.: 01/20 03 289

Sectoral Coordinator for the Erasmus+ programme for Information and Graphic Technology:
dr. Mihael Lazar
Tel.: +386 1 20 03 222


Tutoring is systematic guidance to students in their studies and in their academic development.

The purpose of tutoring at NTF is to:

  • support students during their studies,
  • increase the transfer of students to the next year,
  • advise students in the selection of optional courses,
  • assist in the study of individual courses or the mandatory practice
  • encourage students to participate in extracurricular activities.

Student tutoring for foreign students helps foreign students to overcome possible cultural differences and adapt to the new environment. The priorities of foreign students are primarily: residence, student ID, transport. Possible cultural differences (language, habits, personal attitudes) might well influence the study performance of a foreign student. Tutors help them with everyday life challenges, to integrate into our environment, to overcome homesickness and with various administrative procedures.

More information and list of tutors can be found here.

Forms and documents+

All needed forms and documents can be found on the Student Office page.


Guidelines for students participating in a student exchange abroad are available here.

Ceepus Student Exchange

About Ceepus exchange+

CEEPUS (Central European Exchange Program for College Studies) is a regional program involving higher education institutions from Albania, Austria, Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Czech Republic, Montenegro, Croatia, Kosovo, Hungary, Northern Macedonia, Moldova, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia and Serbia.

CEEPUS exchanges operate on the basis of networks that enable international mobility of students and professors as well as joint international cooperation projects. Within the framework of the exchange it is possible to apply for a scholarship within the Network, of which the NTF is a part, but also for an exchange at institutions that do not belong to the CEEPUS network (Freemover Mobility).

In the framework of the exchange, the candidate receives a CEEPUS scholarship awarded by the recipient country. In addition to the scholarship, the network also provides accommodation and medical care as well as tuition fee waivers and partial funding of the student’s travel expenses. As part of the exchange, students are given credit for the time they spend studying at the partner institution.

Basic requirements for candidacy+


  • Two completed semesters of study.
  • Regular enrolment at a higher education institution in one of the CEEPUS countries.
  • Support from the coordinator of the relevant network at the home university.
  • First and second cycle students can apply for a maximum of 10 months during their studies, for PhD students there are no restrictions.
  • In exceptional cases (e.g. summer school) and with the justification of the coordinator, they can apply for shorter periods of time.


  • Status: higher education teacher or assistant
  • There is no age limit
  • Minimum obligation: 6 hours of pedagogical work

For more information, please visit the CMEPIUS website.

Coordinators and networks+

Network: Research and Education in the field of Graphic Engineering and Design (RS-0704)

  • Coordinator

dr. Alenka Šalej Lah
Phone: 00386 1 20 03 289

  • Coordinator from the field of studies

dr. Nace Pušnik
Phone.: 00386 1 20 03 277

Network:  A.L.I.C.E. – Architecture Landscape Interiors Culture Emotions (SI-0719)


Network: Concurrent Product and Technology Development – Teaching, Research and Implementation of Joint Programs Oriented in Production and Industrial Engineering (HR-0108)

  • Coordinator

dr. Alenka Šalej Lah
Phone: 00386 1 20 03 289

  • Coordinator from the field of studies

dr. Raša Urbas
Phone: 00386 1 20 03 283


Mreža: Raziskave in izobraževanje na področju grafičnega inženiringa in oblikovanja (RS-0704)
Research and Education in the field of Graphic Engineering and Design

Dražava Ime institucije
Bosnia and Herzegovina University of Banja Luka, Faculty of Technology
Bulgaria University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy, Department of Printing Arts, Pulp and Paper
Croatia University of Zagreb, Faculty of Graphic Arts
Croatia University of Slavonski Brod, Mechanical Engineering Faculty
Czech Republic University of Pardubice, Faculty of Chemical Technology, Department of Graphic Arts and Photophysics
Hungary Óbuda University, Budapest, Rejto Sándor Faculty of Light Industry Engineering
Poland Technical University of Lódz, Faculty of Textile Engineering and Marketing
Poland Warsaw University of Technology, Faculty of Production Engineering, Institute of Mechanics and Printing, Department of Printing Techniques
Romania Politechnica University of Timisoara, Faculty of Engineering Hunedoara
Slovakia Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Faculty of Chemical and Food Technology, Institute of Natural and Synthetic Polymers, Department of Graphic Arts Technology and Applied Photochemistry
Slovenia University of Nova Gorica, School of Environmental Sciences
Slovenia University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering, Department of Textiles, Grapgic Arts and Design
Serbia University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technical Sciences, Department of Graphic Engineering and Design

Mreža: A.L.I.C.E. – Architecture Landscape Interiors Culture Emotions (SI-0719)

Dražava Ime institucije
Bosnia and Herzegovina University of Sarajevo, Academy of Fine Arts
Croatia University of Split, Arts Academy, Department of Visual Communications Design
Croatia University of Zagreb, Faculty of Forestry
Moldova State Pedagogical University “Ion Creanga”, Faculty of Fine Arts and Design
Poland Poznan University of Life Sciences, Department of Furniture Design
Serbia University of Arts in Belgrade, Faculty of Applied Arts
Serbia University of Belgrade, Faculty of Forestry – Department of Wood Processing
Serbia University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technical Sciences, Department of Graphic Engineering and Design
Slovenia University of Primorska, Faculty of Design

Mreža: Sočasni razvoj izdelkov in tehnologije – poučevanje, raziskovanje in izvajanje skupnih programov, usmerjenih v proizvodno in industrijsko inženirstvo (HR-0108)
Concurrent Product and Technology Development – Teaching, Research and Implementation of Joint Programs Oriented in Production and Industrial Engineering

Dražava Ime institucije
Austria Johannes Kepler University (JKU) Linz, Institute of Electrical Drives and Power Electronics
Austria Vienna University of Technology, Department of Interchangeable Manufacturing and Industrial Metrology
Bolgaria Technical University of Sofia, Faculty of Machine Technology, Department of Manufacturing Technology
Bosnia and Herzegovina University of Sarajevo, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Mechanical Production Engineering
Czech Republic Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Czech Republic Tomas Bata University in Zlín, Faculty of Technology
Czech Republic Technical University of Ostrava, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Machining and Assembly
Croatia Catholic University of Croatia, Office for strategic planning and projects
Croatia University of Rijeka, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Industrial Engineering and Management
Croatia University of Slavonski Brod, Mechanical Engineering
Croatia University of Zagreb, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture
Hungary Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of Manufacturing Science and Engineering
Hungary Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Faculty of Information Technology and Bionics
Hungary University of Miskolc, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Informatics, Institute of Manufacturing Science
Northern Macedonia Ss. Cyril und Methodius University in Skopje, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering -Skopje, Institute of Production
Poland Kielce University of Technology, Chair of Mechanical Technology and Metrology
Poland Poznan University of Technology, Poznan University of Technology, Institute of Mechanical Technology
Romania Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Department of Engineering and Technologic Management
Serbia University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Engineering
Serbia University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Mechanical and Civil Engineering in Kraljevo – Department for Production
Serbia University of Nis, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Serbia University of Novi Sad, Department for Material Forming Technologies and Surface Engineering
Slovakia University of Žilina in Žilina, Dpt. of Machining and Automation
Slovenia University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
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