Transfers between two study programmes are possible within the programmes of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering, Department of Textiles, Graphic Arts and Design, and other faculties in accordance with the Higher Education Act and the criteria for transfer between study programmes and other regulations.
Transfers are possible between programmes:
- which ensure the acquisition of comparable competences or learning outcomes at the end of the study programme;
- in which, according to the criteria for recognition of knowledge and skills acquired prior to enrolment in the study programme, at least half of the obligations under the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) from the first study programme can be recognised, referring to compulsory courses of the second study programme.
It is possible to transfer:
- from the 2nd degree programme in audiovisual technology and multimedia production or related fields of study;
- from faculty programmes before the introduction of the Bologna declaration in the field of audiovisual technology and multimedia production or related fields of study.
A candidate may enrol by transfer in the final year of study if:
- the requirements for enrolment in the degree programme are met,
- there are vacant places,
- enough ECTS credits are recognised in the recognition procedure at the time of transfer to meet the requirements for enrolment in the higher study year.
In the case of limited enrolment, the applicants will be short-listed based on the average grade of their previous studies.
The department Study Committee decides on the fulfilment of transfer requirements and recognition of obligations on the basis of the applicant’s individual application and proof of fulfilled obligations.