Retirement of dr. Gorazd Golob
23. 7. 2015, at 12.57, written by IGTDr. Gorazd Golob – a long-time colleague, initiator and (co-)founder of the study of Graphic Arts at the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering, Department of Textiles, Graphic Arts and Design (OTGO) – in the middle of July 2015 eliminate retirement. Even before that, he prepired his last lecture for all the colleagues and students, ... Read more
PDP Conference 2015
9. 7. 2015, at 10.15, written by IGTPDP Conference 2015, scheduled for 3-6 September in Novi Sad, Serbia, is currently accepting applications for three creative contests – one for poster design, spatial design and for photography. PDP is an international creative media conference that contains workshops, exhibitions and series of lectures of reputable authors and experts in different creative fields. The theme ... Read more
Granting of Engview certificate
2. 7. 2015, at 15.11, written by IGTThis year 2014/2015 15 students, at subject Packaging 1 and 2, under the supervision of assistant professor Urška Vrabič Brodnjak and Matej Pivar, received certificates from Engview Systems JSC for the best created package. During the four-month course EngView’s packaging design software helped the young professionals in their everyday tasks related to developing smart and ... Read more
Exhibition OD DO
12. 6. 2015, at 16.42, written by IGTStudents of the 2nd year of Graphic and Media Technology (GMT), and Graphic and Interactive Communications (GIK) Department of Textiles, Graphic Arts and Design at Faculty, in the context of the course Media visualizations, created the project FROM–TO (slo. OD DO). First they drawn on the blank sheet of paper. Then they overlay the lines ... Read more
During the “Project Week 2015” a presentation of optional courses will take place for the students of: 1st level (GIK GMT): Wednesday, 10. 6. 2015 at 9.30 and again at 10.30 (P3 and P5). 2nd level (GIKM): Thursday, 11. 6. 2015 at 12.00 (P1, later P5) Presentations of 1st level will be held simultaneously in ... Read more
Diploma Pro
2. 6. 2015, at 8.55, written by IGTThe exhibition Diploma Pro represents a successful international cooperation between faculties from Slovenia and Serbia. The exhibition was originally placed in the gallery FORMA in Novi Sad (December 2014), in June 2015 it is presented at the Department of Textiles, Graphic Arts and Design . Selected undergraduate and master’s theses of students of Graphic and ... Read more
Students have in the academic year 2014/2015 in the courses of Typography (GIK2) and Typographic elements (GMT1) created their own names in different techniques. The exhibition of products photos are on display on the ground floor of the Department of Textiles, Graphic Arts and Design (OTGO) at Faculty of Natural Sciences (Snežniška 5, Ljubljana).
New website IGT
1. 6. 2015, at 12.00, written by IGTWelcome to the renewed website of the Chair of Information and Graphic Arts Technology (IGT) at Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering (NTF). With the extension of content, new visual identity and friendly interface we want to improve the user experience of our students, employees and business partners. In addition, now through the quick menus, ... Read more
The new name of the department – OTGO
29. 5. 2015, at 17.00, written by IGTAt the initiative of the Department of Textiles, the Senate of NTF has on the 19th session (21. 5. 2015) discussed a proposal to change the name of the department. The Department of Textiles was unanimously renamed into the Department of Textiles, Graphics Arts and Design (OTGO). The new name of the department represents all three ... Read more
New promotional material
27. 5. 2015, at 13.00, written by IGTAt the Chair of Information and Graphic Arts Technology, within the project of Internationalization of the University of Ljubljana, a new promotional brochure was released. In the brochure we are presenting our faculty, chair and study programmes. Brochure is available in Slovenian and English languages, both representing a comprehensive study programmes in 1st level (GMT ... Read more