Plate tectonics theory: composition of the lithosphere, lithospheric plates, geological evidence for plate motion, plate kinematic on spherical Earth, absolute and relative plate motions, plate boundaries, triple junctions, mechanisms of plate motion.
Principal tectonic environments on Earth: oceanic ridges and transform faults, continental extensional provinces (rifts), continental transform and strike-slip faults, subduction zones, collisional zones and orogens.
Lithosphere mechanics: crustal and mantle rheology, deformational mechanisms in rocks, brittle and ductile deformation, forces and stress strates in the lithosphere, heat flow, transfer of heat in the lithosphere, geotherms, P-T conditions in the lithosphere, metamorphism.
Dynamical processes in the lithosphere: fault mechanics, lithospheric extension, lithospheric flexure, formation of sedimentary basins, continental collision, orogenic collapse.
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