Chair of Heat Engineering
Prof. Borut Kosec, DrSc
Tel: +386 1 2000 410
Assist. prof. Blaž Karpe, DrSc
Tel: +386 1 2000 413
asist. Lovro Cigić mag. inž. metal. in mater.
Tel: 01 2000 415
Sandra Perič, dipl.inž.metal., teh.
Tel: 01 2000 416
The Chair of Thermal engineering is responsible for providing courses for Bachelor’s, Master’s and PhD study programmes in the field of material and metallurgical science. These include: Heat and mass transfer, Thermo-engineering calculations, Ecology, Computer practicals, Practicals in measurement and regulations, Metallurgical and process furnaces.
Thermo-technical problems that arise during optimisation processes in industrial systems influence the quality of heating and cooling, rational use of energy and environmental protection. The main emphasis of our research is on the processes at elevated temperatures with different modes of heat transfer and material flow. Our work is based on the principles underlying heat transfer, fluid dynamics and thermodynamic concepts of energy balance as well as measurements and regulation technology, which is a prerequisite for suitable conducting of major high temperature processes. In industrial processes simulation, data processing and analysis, higher programming languages are used for the development of algorithms.
The wealth of research work of the Chair is reflected in more than 300 scientific reports and articles published in national and international literature as well as numerous presentations (lectures, poster presentations) delivered at professional meetings. The Chair has established itself in diagnosing the state of operation of industrial furnaces, measurements and control techniques. Thus, our efforts have contributed to rational energy use and environmentally friendly operation.
Laboratory for measurements
In the laboratory, we conduct courses for pressure, flow and temperature measuring, with applications of these measurements in industrial operations and ecology. In addition to using Rota-meters and wet and dry flow meters, we carry out measurements with normalised flow orifices and Venturi tubes, where good understanding of the calibration and measurement procedures is necessary. The same applies to temperature measurements with thermocouples, thermo-resistors and optical pyrometers.
Laboratory equipment:
- Flow orifice measurement line
- Pressure meters
- Pyrometers
- Thermocouples
- Tubular furnace
- Chamber furnace
- Data acquisition system
- PCs for data presentation
Laboratory for fuels
In this laboratory, we carry out exercises for analysis of solid, liquid and gaseous fuels: determination of calorific value of solid, liquid and gaseous fuels, immediate analysis of solid fuels, viscosity, density, flash and ignition point of liquid fuels, gas chromatography and chemical flue gas analysis.
Laboratory equipment:
- Calorimeter for solid and liquid fuels
- Calorimeter for liquid and gaseous fuels
- Mohr balance
- Höppler and Engler viscosimeter
- Pensky-Martens ignition point tester
- Marcusson ignition point tester
- Gas chromatograph for hydrocarbons and permanent gas analyses, with ion-flame and thermal conductivity detectors
- Gas analysers (O2, CO, CO2, NOx …)