Erasmus Student Exchange
Erasmus+ is a seven-year programme supported by the European Union. The principle aim of the programme is to improve the level of education, know-how, skills and creativity, which are the cornerstones of the European knowledge society.
Erasmus+ enables young people, students and adults to acquire experience and new skills during studies, training or volunteer work abroad. At the same time, the programme will lend support to institutions and organisations when it comes to cooperating with similar institutions in other countries in order to encourage innovation and update teaching practices and youth work. The Erasmus+ programme rests on five key pillars:
- Key Action 1 (KA1): Learning Mobility of Individuals;
- Key Action 2 (KA2): Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices;
- Key Action 3 (KA3): Support for Policy Reform;
- the Jean Monnet programme and
- the Sports programme.
List of participating institutions for Earth-Science Studies in Central and South-Eastern Europe : CEEPUS_GEO_RO-0038_seznam_institucij
Coordinator of the Erasmus+ programme at the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering:
Alenka Šalej Lah, PhD
Tel.: +386 1 200 32 89
Coordinators of student exchanges at Departments:
Department of Materials and Metallurgy
Assist. Prof. Matjaž Knap, PhD
Tel.: +386 1 20 00 419
Department of Geology
Assist. Prof. Luka Gale, PhD
Tel.: +386 1 47 04 606
Department of Geotechnology and Mining
Assoc. Prof. Jože Kortnik, PhD
Tel.: +386 1 47 04 626