Earth’s crust is the part of planet Earth where human activities take place. The influence of dynamic behaviour of the planet is reflected through the Earth’s crust. Therefore, knowledge on the phenomena in the crust is essential for any activities in our nature space. The bases of being aware of changes are correct measurements and correctly analysed measured data. When those are good enough, it is essential that analyses of changes can be made based on that data, and possible development of changes in the future can be predicted. Therefore, the course will provide necessary knowledge on concepts, methodology and practical application to predict changes in surroundings based on geophysical and geotechnological measurements. Special attention will be given to analysing the results of monitoring, with emphasis on quality assessment of predicted changes in surroundings. Predictions will be based on practically obtained data from real geosurroundings and as a result of aimed project measurements in the field of geotechnological and geophysical science.
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