Practicals in modelling

Goals: learning major programs for computer modelling used in materials science and evaluating the results of simulations; Acquiring practical knowledge on using computer models and computer supported experiments in materials science and metallurgy, ability to observe the course of computer experiments, critically evaluate the results and their accuracy; organise and present the results. Students perform twelve exercises following written instructions and using suitable software to simulate different physical-metallurgical processes. These involve atomistic, microscopic and macroscopic scale methods. Using code, they can modify the conditions, process the results of the simulation, analyse the results and write a report. Students work in groups and prepare a project that includes: planning a simulation (definition of a problem, selection of appropriate tools), writing the computer code (or modifying the existing code), carrying out simulation, analysing the results, writing a report and preparing a group presentation (mini symposium). Project topics can be selected from a list or proposed by students.

Materials engineering (UN)





TeacherGoran Kugler

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