Logging in to the VIS Student Information System:
The user name grants access to the online student administration office and represents your digital identity:
- Students: Your digital identity looks like this: ab1234@student.uni-lj.si. You already use it to log in to the wireless Eduroam network. Attention: when logging in to the online student administration office, your user name must always be followed by @student.uni-lj.si. In the event you do not yet have a digital identity, you can get one by going to the University’s ID Portal at http://id.uni-lj.si/.
- Employees: Your user account was created by the faculty where you are employed. If you do not yet have a digital identity, please report this to Technical Support at the FNSE of the UL. A digital identity is not an e-mail address, even though it looks similar.
In case you forgot your password, you can reset it at the UL’s ID Portal: https://sts.uni-lj.si/adfs/portal/updatepassword/