Calorimeter 200C (IKA, Germany)+
University of Ljubljana,
Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
Research equipment is (co)funded by the Slovenian Research Agency. |
Contact of responsible person:
Purpose of equipment and additional information:
- Determing gross calorific values of solid and liquid samples. Validation according to standards DIN 51900, ISO 1928, ASTM D240, ASTM D4809, ASTM D5865, ASTM D1989, ASTM D5468, ASTM E711.
Access to equipment:
- The equipment is available by agreement with the operator or with head of laboratory. Contact person: Marija Ribič Berdajs (
Price of equipment use:
- For experienced user: 18.12 €/hour
- For inexperienced user: 43.88 €/hour
Tensile testing machine - Instron 5567 (Instron, UK)+
University of Ljubljana,
Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
Research equipment is (co)funded by the Slovenian Research Agency. |
Contact of responsible person:
- Prof. dr. Diana Gregor Svetec
- Department of Textiles, Graphic Arts and Design, Snežniška ulica 5, Ljubljana
- 3. floor, room 318B
- Tel: 01 200 32 72
- E-mail:
Purpose of equipment and additional information:
The tensile testing machine enables the measurements of tensile properties of different materials (textiles, paper, board, polymeric materials). Measurements can be analysed with a computer program BlueHill, which is designed for such measurements and enables us an indirect insight of inner changes and occurrence in material structure as a consequence of tensile testing. With this program it is also possible to interpret measured results later. Besides tensile tests it is possible to perform tests of compression, bending, etc. The machine includes a climate chamber with temperature range between 20°C and 80°C and relative humidity between 30 % and 80 % and a chamber with the temperature range between -70°C and +250°C.
Access to equipment:
The equipment is available upon agreement; access time is dependable on equipment occupation. Reservation and information:
Price of equipment use:
- experienced user: 31.04 €/hour
- inexperienced users: 38,46/hour
DMA Q800 Dynamic Mechanical Analyzer (TA Instruments, USA)+
University of Ljubljana,
Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
Research equipment is (co)funded by the Slovenian Research Agency. |
Contact of responsible person:
- Mirjam Leskovšek, DrSc
- Department of Textiles, Graphic Arts and Design, Snežniška ulica 5, Ljubljana
- Tel: 01 200 32 66
- E-mail:
Purpose of equipment and additional information:
The dynamic mechanical analyser or DMA presents equipment, which mechanically causes deformation of the sample made of various materials and measures its response. The so caused deformation may be sinusoid, constant, graduated or with constant speed. Twenty different parameters as measurements of responses can be monitored as a function of temperature and time. The DMA experimental technique provides measurements of mechanical viscoelastic properties of various materials. Many materials including fibres and other polymers respond as elastic solid matters and viscous liquids and that is why they have viscoelastic properties.
Practical examples: measurements of Tg and secondary transitions, effect of frequency on modulus and Tg, effect of fillings, additives and adhesives, influence of technological processes, stabilities of dimensions, creep, relaxation tension, thermal mechanics, prediction of material response in a wide frequency range and time.
Technical specifications:
- Year of manufacture: 2006
- Temperature range: -150 ºC do +600 ºC
- Velocity of heating: 0,1 do 20 ºC/min
- Velocity of cooling: 0,1 do 10 ºC/min
- Isothermal stability: ± 0,1 °C/min
- Tension range: 0,0001 N do 18 N, separability: 0,0001 N
- Deformation separability: 1 nm
- Modulus range: 10 E + 3 do 3 x 10 E + 12 Pa
- Movable length: 25 mm, dynamic move range: ± 0,5 do 10 mm
- Movement sensor: linear optical encoder
- Frequency range: 0,01 do 200 Hz
- Tan delta sensitivity: 0,0001, separability: 0,00001
- Rigidity range: 10 do 10 E + 7 N/m for all clamps
Access to equipment:
The equipment is available upon agreement; access time is dependable on equipment occupation. Reservation and information:
Price of equipment use:
- experienced user: 15.31 €/hour
- inexperienced users: 28,69 €/hour
FT-IR spectrometer Spectrum 3 (Perkin Elmer)+
University of Ljubljana,
Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
Research equipment is (co)financed by the Slovenian Research Agency. |
Responsible person:
Purpose of equipment:
- Infrared spectroscopy is a non-destructive analytical technique that enables us to identify the chemical and partially the physical structure of substances (identification of functional groups in molecules). With the FT-IR spectrometer, qualitative and to some extent quantitative analyses of unknown materials can be made; various modifications made by treatments can be monitored. It is appropriate for analysis of mainly organic materials, such as liquids, solutions, pastes, powders, thin films, coatings, fibres, papers, prints, colours, etc… It enables use of ATR and transmission methods of IR scanning in a range of 7800–350 cm-1. Operation of the apparatus is controlled through Spectrum software.
Acces to equipment:
- Equipment is available upon agreement on Snežniška street 5, 3rd floor; access time is dependent on equipment use. Reservation and information:
Price of equipment use:
- skilled user: 13,26 €/uro
- non skilled user: 28,27 €/uro

Georadar Proex system KIT optical (Mala, Sweden)+
University of Ljubljana,
Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
Research equipment is (co)funded by the Slovenian Research Agency. |
Contact of responsible person:
- Ass. prof. Goran Vižintin, DrSc
- Department of Geotechnology, Mining and Environment, Aškerčeva 12, Ljubljana
- Tel: +386 41 605 940
- E-mail:
Purpose of equipment and additional information:
- This type of ground penetrating radar is designed to measure the geological structures in the dry and low conductive rocks, low conductive water, ice, etc.. Depth depends on the type of antenna, the current setup can reach depths of up to 50 meters.
Access to equipment:
- Equipment is available only to suitably qualified persons who have passed the course in measurement and data processing at the manufacturer of equipment.
- All other must rent a professional too.
Price of equipment use:
- Experienced user: 29.24 €/hour
The minimal rental time of Georadar is 3 days, in this case the value of 10 hours per day is taken into account for the billing.
Microscope Nikon Eclipse+
University of Ljubljana,
Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
Research Equipment is (co)funded by the Slovenian Research Agency. |
Contact of responsible person:
Purpose of equipment and additional information:
- Polarizing microscope for optic microscopy
- Determining the optical properties of minerals in the transmisive and reflective light
Access to equipment:
- Equipment is available at the Department of Geology NTF, Aškerčeva 12, room 219
Rent of the equipment is not possible. It is possible to work independently, users must be familiar with the microscope control. The use of the equipment must be noticed in advance.
Price of equipment use:
- Experienced user: 6.26 €/hour.
- Inexperienced users: 24.10/hour.
Elotest M2 V3 (Rohmann GmbH, Germany)+
University of Ljubljana,
Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
Research Equipment is (co)funded by the Slovenian Research Agency. |
Contact of responsible person:
Purpose of equipment and additional information:
- NDT eddy current discovers changes in materials such as: cracks, lunkers and other errors
Access to equipment:
- The equipment is available by agreement with the operator or with chief of the laboratory.
Price of equipment use:
- Experienced user: 12.55 €/hour
Microscope Olympus BX61 for characterization of macro and microstructures+
University of Ljubljana,
Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
Research Equipment is (co)funded by the Slovenian Research Agency. |
Contact of responsible person:
Purpose of equipment and additional information:
- In this laboratory we can characterize macro and microstructures mainly of castings and other parts. The laboratory is equipped with a powerful system for image analysis (Materials research lab, producer Analysis). The system allows for macroscopic investigation of casting defects like: shrinkage and gas porosity, cracks, inclusions, etc; as well as microscopic investigations and analyses in light and dark field, in polarized light, and with interferential contrast.
The laboratory is equipped with the following Olympus instruments: Instrument for
macro images, Stereo microscope, Metallographic microscope.
Access to equipment:
- The equipment is available upon agreement; access time is dependable on equipment occupation. Reservation and information: tomaz.martincic@omm.ntf.uni-lj.
Price of equipment use:
- Experienced use: 33.26 €/hour
- Inexperienced user: 69.51 €/hour
Computer program Thermo-calc software+
University of Ljubljana,
Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
Research Equipment is (co)funded by the Slovenian Research Agency. |
Contact of responsible person:
- Prof. Jožef Medved, DrSc
- Department of Materials and Metallurgy, Aškerčeva 12, Ljubljana
- Tel: 01 2000 423, 01 2000 448
- E-mail:
Purpose of equipment and additional information:
- Thermo – calc software is meaning for calculation of phase diagrams and thermodynamic properties with different data bases for all different metal materials and alloys.
Access to equipment:
- Chair for Metallurgy process technic, Lepi pot 11, office 5B, 1000 Ljubljana
Price of equipment use:
- Experienced user: 13.02 €/hour
- Inexperienced user: 25.90 €/hour
Cutting machine Wohlenberg 76+
University of Ljubljana,
Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
Research Equipment (co)funded by the Slovenian Research Agency. |
Contact of responsible person:
- Klemen Možina, DrSc
- Department of Textiles, Graphic Arts and Designs, Snežniška 5, Ljubljana
- Tel: 01 200 32 99
- E-mail:
Purpose of equipment and additional information:
The Wohlenberg 76 is a professional cutting machine for cutting paper, boards and other sheet materials both in stack or single. The cutting width is 760 mm and the
maximum possible feed is 110 mm.
Access to equipment:
The equipment is available upon agreement. Access time is dependable on equipment occupation. Reservation and information: and
Price of equipment use:
- Experienced user: 21.95 €/hour
Simulator of thermomechanical metallurgical states GLEEBLE 1500D (Dynamic Systems Inc., USA)+
University of Ljubljana,
Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
Research Equipment is (co)funded by the Slovenian Research Agency. |
Contact of responsible person:
Purpose of equipment and additional information:
- Simulator of thermomechanical metallurgical states enables following investigations of the
materials: tensile test, compression test, flow curves, activation energy, microstructure development during hot forming, high temperature fatigue testing, solidification simulation, welding simulation, heat treatment, multistage forming test, wear testing.
Access to equipment:
- The equipment is available upon agreement with the responsible person of the equipment.
The access time depends on equipment occupation. It’s located at Lepi pot 11-13, Ljubljana.
Price of equipment use:
- Experienced user: 18.70 €/hour
- Inexperienced user: 50.71 €/hour
Simultaneous thermal analyse, STA 449 Jupiter, Netzsch, Germany+
University of Ljubljana,
Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
Research Equipment (co)funded by the Slovenian Research Agency. |
Contact of responsible person:
- Prof. Jožef Medved, DrSc
- Department of Materials and metallurgy, Aškerčeva 12, Ljubljana
- Tel: 01 2000 425, 01 2000 448
- E-mail:
Purpose of equipment and additional information:
- Simultaneous thermal analysis (STA) is a method of thermal analysis, witch makes possible to investigate variety of samples by two or three thermal-analytical methods. Usually those are thermogravimetry (TG), differential thermal analysis (DTA) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). Simultaneously the investigation can be done on processes based on energy difference (absorbing and relaxing heat under reaction) and investigation in mass change (oxidation, degradation etc.). STA measurement is a complex measurement, witch is recommended for determine physical – chemical properties of materials, especially new one. Simultaneously the modeling of technological processes can be done. STA analysis makes possible to determine characteristic temperatures (melting point, boiling point, allotropic modifications etc.), thermal effect (melting / solidification enthalpy, combustion heat etc.), specific heat Cp, loss or increment of mass etc.
Access to equipment:
- Chair for Metallurgy proces technic, Lepi pot 11, laboratory 5A, 1000 Ljubljana
Price of equipment use:
- Experienced user: 33.84 €/hour
- inexperienced user: 59.61 €/hour
Differential scanning calorimetry DSC 404 F3 Pegasus® (Netzsch, Germany)+
University of Ljubljana,
Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
Research Equipment (co)funded by the Slovenian Research Agency. |
Contact of responsible person:
- Prof. Jožef Medved, DrSc
- Department of Materials and metallurgy, Aškerčeva 12, Ljubljana
- Tel: 01 2000 425, 01 2000 448
- E-mail:
Purpose of equipment and additional information:
- The device enables measurements with differential scanning calorimetry, which is used to determine the thermodynamic properties of materials (metals, ceramics, etc.), such as: characteristic temperatures, enthalpies, specific heat, etc. This is the latest instrument from the above-mentioned manufacturer, namely the DSC 404 F3 Pegasus®, a high-temperature differential scanning calorimeter designed to accurately determine the specific heat of high-performance materials at high temperatures. It allows several different types of furnaces (silver, copper, steel, platinum, SiC, rhodium and graphite), on which the temperature range of the investigation (-150–2000 °C) also depends. We currently have a steel furnace that allows measurement temperatures from -100 °C to 1000 °C. As you can see from the temperature ranges, the instrument allows cooling with liquid nitrogen using the cooling system CC 300.
Access to equipment:
- Chair for Metallurgy proces technic, Lepi pot 11, laboratory 5A, 1000 Ljubljana
Price of equipment use:
- Experienced user: €/hour
- inexperienced user: €/hour

Differential scanning calorimetry DSC 204 F1 Phoenix® (Netzsch, Germany)+
University of Ljubljana,
Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
Research Equipment (co)funded by the Slovenian Research Agency. |
Contact of responsible person:
- Prof. Jožef Medved, DrSc
- Department of Materials and metallurgy, Aškerčeva 12, Ljubljana
- Tel: 01 2000 425, 01 2000 448
- E-mail:
Purpose of equipment and additional information:
- The instrument enables measurements with differential scanning calorimetry, which is used to determine the thermodynamic properties of materials (metals, ceramics, etc.), such as: characteristic temperatures, enthalpies, specific heat, etc. The DSC 204 F1 Phoenix® has a unique concept in which all essential operating components are integrated into the device itself. The calorimeter is used in the temperature range from -180 °C to 700 °C. As can be seen from the temperature ranges, the instrument can be cooled with liquid nitrogen, using the cooling system CC 300.
Access to equipment:
- Chair for Metallurgy proces technic, Lepi pot 11, laboratory 5A, 1000 Ljubljana
Price of equipment use:
- Experienced user: €/hour
- inexperienced user: €/hour

Light microscope Zeiss, Axio Imager A1m+
University of Ljubljana,
Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
Research Equipment is (co)funded by the Slovenian Research Agency. |
Contact of responsible person:
Purpose of equipment and additional information:
- Light microscope enables observation of microstructure of properly prepared materialographic samples of different materials. Microscope enables imaging of samples using different examination modes like bright field, dark filed, differential interference contrast and polarized light. Light microscope is equipped with digital camera AxioCam ICc 3 (3,3 million pixels) and AxioVision software for image analysis (grain size, phase fractions etc.).
Access to equipment:
Price of equipment use:
- Experienced user: 34.41 €/hour
- Inexperienced user: 68.82 €/hour
TOBII X120 - Flexible eye tracking (Tobii Technology AB, Sweden)+
University of Ljubljana,
Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
Research Equipment is (co)funded by the Slovenian Research Agency. |
Contact of responsible person:
- prof. Klementina Možina, DrSc
- Department of Textiles, Graphic Arts and Design, Snežniška 5, Ljubljana
- Tel: 01 200 32 42
- E-mail:
Purpose of equipment and additional information:
Tobii X120 Eye Trackers is stand-alone eye tracking unit designed for eye tracking studies of real-world flat surfaces or scenes such as physical objects, projections and video screens. Tobii X120 enable studies requiring specific stimuli setups, such as studies of shopping shelves, typography, webpages, newspapers or television.
Access to equipment:
The equipment is available upon agreement; access time is dependable on equipment occupation.
Price of equipment use:
- Experienced user: 16.01 €/hour
- Inexperienced users: 31.48 €/hour
Note: The use of equipment without the operator is not possible. |
TOBII Pro Glasses 3 - Eye tracking glasses (Tobii Technology AB, Sweden)+
University of Ljubljana,
Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
Research Equipment is (co)funded by the Slovenian Research Agency. |
Contact of responsible person:
- prof. Klementina Možina, DrSc
- Department of Textiles, Graphic Arts and Design, Snežniška 5, Ljubljana
- Tel: 01 200 32 42
- E-mail:
Purpose of equipment and additional information:
Tobii Pro Glasses 3 are designed for eye-tracking studies of real-time world or scenes such as physical objects, projections and video screens. The glasses Tobii Pro Glasses 3 enable studies which require specific stimuli setups, such as studies of traffic movement, sportspeople, product sales (shop shelves), typography, webpages, printed materials and packaging, or television, mobile devices and phones.
Access to equipment:
The equipment is available upon agreement; access time is dependable on equipment occupation.
Price of equipment use:
- Experienced user: 16.91 €/hour
- Inexperienced users: 33.82 €/hour
Note: The use of equipment without the operator is not possible. |

Vacuum induction casting furnace+
University of Ljubljana,
Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
Research Equipment is (co)funded by the Slovenian Research Agency. |
Responsible person:
Purpose of equipment and additional information:
- All processes, from preparation, melting, purring and cooling are made in vacuum or in a controlled atmosphere. Specifications: Power: max 45 kW, Frequency: 1 – 5 kHz, Vacuum: 10-3 mbar, Volume: 2,5 L, Max. temperature: 2000 °C. The furnace is suitable for making and elevation and casting of different materials. With new experimental computer regulated furnace we can perform: Gravity casting in permanent moulds, Gravity casting in unique forms made from different fireproof materials, Centrifugal casting in shells (investment casting) and permanent moulds,
The furnace can be used for directional solidification.
Access to equipment:
- The equipment is available upon agreement; access time is dependable on equipment occupation. It’s located at Lepi pot 11, Ljubljana. Reservation and information:
Price of equipment use:
- Experienced user: 124.30 €/hour
- Inexperienced user: 139.12 €/hour
Scanning electron microscope (SEM) - 6060 LV (Jeol, Japan)+
University of Ljubljana,
Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
Research Equipment is (co)funded by the Slovenian Research Agency. |
Responsible person:
- Mirjam Leskovšek, DrSc
- Department of Textiles, Graphic Arts and Design, Snežniška 5, Ljubljana
- Tel: 01 200 32 66
- E-mail:
Purpose of equipment and additional information:
The instrument is designed for surface, morphology and topography studies as well as for determination of particle size. SEM image is made by secondary electrons, which are bit out of the sample by primary beam that is scanning the surface point by point. Non conductable materials are to be preliminarily coated with gold, which prevents static charge on the surface. It includes: electrical gun, magnification unit, image generator, condensation and objective lenses, electron collector and vacuum system. The samples of a great value can be observed without coating in a low vacuum mode.
Technical features:
– magnification: 8 x–300.000 x
– acceleration tension: 0,5–30 kV
– power current: 1pA–100 nA
– filament type: W
– X-Y axes: 20–10 mm
– Z axes: 5–48 mm
– inclination: -10–90°
– rotation: 360°
Access to equipment:
The equipment is available upon agreement; access time is dependable on equipment occupation. Reservation and information:
Price of equipment use:
- Experienced user: 9.44 €/hour
- Inexperienced users: 16.86 €/hour
Scanning electron microscope Jeol JSM-7600F (Jeol, Japan)+
University of Ljubljana,
Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
Research Equipment is (co)funded by the Slovenian Research Agency. |
Responsible person:
Purpose of equipment and additional information:
- Scanning electron microscope (SEM) enables imaging and microanalysis of different materials. Lateral resolution when using SE is 1,0 nm at 15kV. Microscope enables magnifications from 25 to 1 000 000 times. It can work with acceleration voltages from 0,1 to 30 kV and. Scanning electron microscope is equipped with several different detectors:
– SE, LEI Detector (secondary electrons)
– BE Detector (backscattered electrons)
-INCA Oxford 350 EDS SDD (EDS micro-chemical analysis)
-INCA Wave 500 spectrometer (WDS micro-chemical analysis)
-XENOS XeDraw 2 (e-lithography)
-EBSD, Channel 5, Oxford Instruments (system for determination of crystallographic orientation)
-r-filter for combining SE in BE signals
Access to equipment:
The equipment is available upon agreement; access time is dependable on equipment occupation. Reservation and information:
Price of equipment use:
- Experienced user: 34.41 €/hour
- Inexperienced user: 68.82 €/hour
Scanning electron microscope with EDS, Jeol JSM 5610, Japan+
University of Ljubljana,
Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
Research Equipment is (co)funded by the Slovenian Research Agency. |
Responsible person:
- Ass. prof. Aleš Nagode, DrSc
- Department of Materials and Metallurgy, Aškerčeva 12, Ljubljana
- Tel: 01 470 45 00
- E-mail:
Purpose of equipment and additional information:
- Surface analysis,
- morphology,
- phase and chemical composition (EDS)
Access to equipment:
- The equipment is available by agreement with the operator or with chief of the laboratory.
Price of equipment use:
- Experienced user: 17,73 €/hour
- Inexperienced user: 58,68 €/hour
Xenotest Alpha (Atlas, ZDA)+
University of Ljubljana,
Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
Research Equipment is (co)funded by the Slovenian Research Agency. |
Responsible person:
- Ass. prof. Sabina Bračko, DrSc
- Department of Textiles, Graphic arts and Engineering, Snežniška 5, Ljubljana
- 4. floor, room 415
- Tel: 01 200 32 38
- E-mail:
Purpose of equipment and additional information:
The Xenotest Alpha is an instrument for finding out the effect of light and other weather conditions on the material. The samples are exposed to exact conditions (temperature, relative humidity, illumination, with or without rain). With such accelerated simulation of these parameters the properties of the material after longer period of time can be predicted. With the use of different filters the exposure to direct sunlight, behind the window glass or behind the car glass can be simulated. These test methods can be driven according to international standards used for textiles, papers and plastics (SIST ISO 105-B02, SIST ISO 105-B04, SIST ISO 105-B06, SIST ISO 12040, ISO 4892, ISO 11341).
Technical specifications:
– xenon lamp radiation attitude: 0,8–2,5 kVA, radiation range: 300–400 nm
– includes 10 sample holders, whole test area 1200 cm2
– test chamber temperature: 30–70 °C,
– relative humidity: 10–95 %
– fan speed: 500–2500 rpm
– irradiance: 45–95 W/m2
– filter systems: Xenocrome 320, Xenocrome 300, window glass
– sample dimensions: 13,3 cm x 4,4 cm
Access to equipment:
- The equipment is available upon agreement; access time is dependable on equipment occupation. Reservation and information:
Price of equipment use:
- Experienced user: 25.90 €/hour
- Inexperienced user: 48.47 €/hour
Thermal Constant Analyser Instrument Hot Disk TPS 2200+
University of Ljubljana,
Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
Research Equipment is (co)funded by the Slovenian Research Agency. |
Responsible person:
Purpose of equipment:
- Determining calorific values of metal materials, polymers, ceramics, composites, thin layers, fluids, with high precision of measurements and repeatability of results in the temperature range -50 °C to +750 °C.
Access to equipment:
- The equipment is available on Lepi pot 11 street, upon agreement with the operator or with head of the laboratory. Termine reservation:
Price for the equipment use:
- Skilled user: 198,22 €/hour
- Non-skilled user: 228,17 €/hour
Laboratory drying, condensation and fixation apparatus Type KTF-500+
University of Ljubljana,
Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
Research Equipment is (co)funded by the Slovenian Research Agency. |
Responsible person:
Purpose of equipment:
Laboratory apparatus KTF-500 is intended for drying, condensation and fixation of different materials. It can be used independently or it can be included into continuous line with 2-roll foulard, on which the most modern padding procedures of finishing of textiles are implemented. The apparatus also includes the coating device intended for one sided coating of the paper or flat textiles and for printing of paper (head and flexo printing).
Technical details:
- Temperature: 20-250 °C
- Roller width: 500 mm
- Working width: 450 mm
- Working speed: 0,1-2 m/min
Access to equipment:
The equipment is located at the Chair of Textile and Clothing Engineering, Snežniška ulica 5, on the 4. floor, Tehnological laboratory (L-410) and is available upon agreement.
The price for the use of the research equipment:
- skilled user: 81.25 €/hour
- non skilled user: 138.59 €/hour

Scanning electron microscope FEG-SEM Thermofischer Scientific Quattro S (Thermofischer Scientific, USA)+
University of Ljubljana,
Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
Research Equipment is (co)funded by the Slovenian Research Agency. |
Responsible person:
Purpose of equipment:
FEG SEM is equipped for imaging with secondary electrons (SEI), backscatter electrons (BEI) and transmission electrons (STEM). It also possesses detector for (micro)chemical analysis (EDXS), cooling stage (to -60 °C) and heating stage (to 1000 °C) for in situ dynamic testing:
- (re)crystallisation and phase transformations;
- oxidation, catalysis;
- growth of materials;
- hydration, dehydration and determining of contact angle.
Quattro S enables nano characterisation of:
- metals & alloys, magnetic in super magnetic materials;
- ceramic materials, composites and polymer materials;
- thin layers;
- minerals;
- soft materials: polymers, textiles, filtrov, gels and tissues.
Access to equipment:
Equipment is located at the Chair of Engineering materials, Lepi pot 11, groundfloor, nd is available upon agreement.
The price for the use of the research equipment:
- 216,63 € – base price (it is calculated every time in dependency of the way the analysis is performed and also of the used carrier)
LIMBO high temperature and high pressure reactor (Buchiglasuster, Švica)+
University of Ljubljana,
Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
Research Equipment is (co)funded by the Slovenian Research Agency. |
Responsible person:
Purpose of equipment:
The high-pressure reactor (autoclave) is designed for a variety of chemical reactions where high pressure (up to 300 bar) and temperature (up to 350 ° C) are required. It is suitable for the synthesis and modification of polymers, composites and other organic and inorganic structures.
Access to equipment:
The equipment is located at the National Institute of Chemistry; Hajdrihova 19, and is available upon agreement.
The price for the use of the research equipment:
- skilled user: 95,34 €/hour
- non skilled user: 121,50 €/hour
PISTON CORER core catcher for hard sediment (UWITEC, Austrija)+
University of Ljubljana,
Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
Research Equipment is (co)funded by the Slovenian Research Agency. |
Contact of responsible person:
Purpose of equipment and additional information:
- Sampling of unconsolidated lake and sea sediments up to a depth of 140 m. Sampling with a piston core is performed from a raft. PVC pipes 2 m long and 9 cm in diameter are used for sampling, which allows to capture a core up to 2 m long with one maneuver.
Access to equipment:
- Equipment is available at the Department of Geology, Aškerčeva 12, LAB M7. Equipment rental or independent work is not possible without qualified technician from FNSE.
Price of equipment use:
- Experienced user: 172.78 €/hour.
- Inexperienced user: 224.26 €/hour
ANALYSETTE 22 NanoTec (FRITSCH) laser particle and image (DIA) sizer (FRITSCH, Germany)+
University of Ljubljana,
Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
Research Equipment is (co)funded by the Slovenian Research Agency. |
Contact of responsible person:
Purpose of equipment and additional information:
Particle size determination (suspension and dry particles):
- wet particle size determination-use of different liquids (0.01 – 2100 µm)
- dry particle size determination (0.1 – 2100 µm)
- particle image analysis
Access to equipment:
- Equipment is available at the Department of Geology, Aškerčeva 12, LAB M7. Equipment rental or independent work is not possible without qualified technician.
Price of equipment use:
- Experienced user: 32.51 €/hour.
- Inexperienced user: 69.08 €/hour
Compact Vacuum Arc Melting System SP-MSM208 (MTI Corporation, USA)+
University of Ljubljana,
Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
Research Equipment is (co)funded by the Slovenian Research Agency. |
Contact of responsible person:
Purpose of equipment and additional information:
The arc melting system is designed for melting up to 10 g of metallic materials with a melting point
up to tungsten (above 3000 °C) under a tiny positive or low vacuum atmosphere (usually Ar). In
addition, the system is equipped with a copper mould for vacuum suction casting of rods with a
diameter of 6 mm.
Access to equipment:
- Equipment is available at the Department of Geology. The equipment is available by arrangement with the operators or the equipment administrator.
Price of equipment use:
- Experienced user: 32,29 €/hour.
- Inexperienced user: 58,53 €/hour

T-RDI Stream Pro Flow meter +
University of Ljubljana,
Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
Research Equipment is (co)funded by the Slovenian Research Agency. |
Responsible person:
Purpose of equipment:
The equipment is intended for measuring flows in watercourses.
Dostop do opreme:
- Equipment is available at the Department of Geology. The equipment is available by arrangement with the operators or the equipment administrator. It is not possible to rent equipment without trained NTF operators..
Access to equipment:
- Experienced user:
- Inexperienced user:
UV-VIS spectrophotometer Lambda 850+ (Perkin Elmer, Great Britain)+
University of Ljubljana,
Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
Research equipment is (co)financed by the Slovenian Research Agency. |
Responsible person:
- associate. prof. dr. Marija Gorjanc
- Chair of Textile and Clothing Engineering
- 4th floor
- Tel: +386 1 200 32 56
- E-mail:
Purpose of equipment:
- The Lambda 850 UV / Vis spectrometer is a high-performance system for measurements in the UV and visual range of spectra, from 190 – 900 nm with a resolution of 0,05 nm – 5 nm. It is immediately usable for transmission, absorption and kinetic measurements and has a built-in reflection module – 150 mm integration sphere. The sphere is coated with Spectralon high-reflectivity material and has an 8 ° reflective door for sample and reference. It also has a transmission door at an angle of 0 ° and a removable light layer at an angle of 8 °
The spectrophotometer is completely controlled by a computer with UV WinLab 6 software which allows control of the spectrometer and accessories, recording of spectra, programming wavelengths, flexible quantitative measurements of concentrations as well as kinetic measurements and processing of their results in UV KinLab environment.
Access to equipment:
- The equipment is available upon agreement on Snežniška street 5, in 4. floor, laboratory 416. Access time is dependent on equipment use. Reservation and information:
Price of equipment use:
- skilled user: €/hour
- non-skilled user: €/hour
Portable handheld X-ray fluoroscence (XRF) analyser NITON (Thermo Fischer Scientific, USA)+
University of Ljubljana,
Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
Research Equipment is (co)funded by the Slovenian Research Agency. |
Contact of responsible person:
Purpose of equipment and additional information:
- Geochemical elemental analyses of different samples:
– analyses of major and minor elements in sedimentary, igneous and metamorphic rocks
– analyses of heavy metals in soils
– analyses of alloys
– analyses of precious metals (gold and silver purity)
– analyses of toxic elements in food and plastic
– field analyses (monitoring)
Access to equipment:
- Equipment is available at the Department of Geology, Aškerčeva 12, Room 220. Equipment rental or independent work is not possible because it needs a qualified technician (a course of radiation protection, medical certificate, personal dosimetry and training at the headquarters of Niton Europe in Munich, Germany).
Price of equipment use:
- Experienced user: 9.20 €/hour.
- Inexperienced user: 24.94 €/hour
Spectrophotometer Datacolor Spectro 1050 (Datacolor, USA)+
University of Ljubljana,
Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
Research equipment is (co)financed by the Slovenian Research Agency. |
Responsible person:
- assist. dr. Barbara Blaznik, assistant prof. dr. Mateja Kert
- Chair of Textile and Clothing Engineering
- Tel: 2003 222, 2003 234
- E-mail:,
Purpose of equipment:
- Datacolor Spectro 1050 table spectrophotometer enables quality control of various colored samples in the field of textiles, plastics, paints, coatings, etc. In addition to measuring the reflection and transmission in the visible range of the spectrum (360-700 nm in 10 nm increments), it also allows measuring of the temperature with an accuracy of ± 0.5 ° C. The instrument is equipped with an integration sphere with a diameter of 152 mm, which provides a standard lighting geometry d / 8. The light source is a flashing xenon lamp, which with appropriate filters allows illumination with standard light D65 and UV-cut filters at 400, 420 and 460 nm. By selecting the appropriate measuring aperture, the instrument allows measurements of larger (LAV, 2r = 26 mm), smaller (SAV, 2r = 5 mm) and very small (USAV, 2r = 2.5 mm) colored areas. The repeatability of the instrument is 0,01 ∆E CIELAB (for the white standard) and the accuracy is within 0,15 ∆E CIELAB.
Access to equipment:
- The equipment is available upon agreement on Snežniška street 5, in 4. floor, laboratory 416. Access time is dependent on equipment use. Reservation and information:
Price of equipment use:
- Skilled user: €/uro.
- Non skilled user: €/uro.
PELCON Automatic Thin Section Machine (PELCON, Denmark)+
University of Ljubljana,
Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
Research Equipment is (co)funded by the Slovenian Research Agency. |
Contact of responsible person:
Purpose of equipment and additional information:
- for high quality thin and thick sections of rocks, sediments, soils, concrete and aggregates used for optical microscopy, petrography, microstructure analysis, electronic microscopy, laser ablation, microprobe, etc.
Additional information:
- Small footprint of a combination machine, and no noise/pollution/spills during thin/thick section preparation
- Constant-load drive moving the sample back and forth over the diamond rollers ensures gentle and identical treatment
- Two-sided vacuum holder for both block (one side) and TS (opposite side)
- Automatic thickness control system
- Build-in thickness control accuracy at 1 micron level
- Required thickness is set before grinding
- Sample is operated non-manually
- Grinding stops automatically at set thickness
- Same thickness at large production series
- No pollution of ‘grid’ in your samples
- No relief of the final TS, no matter differences in hardness
- No differences in thickness, no matter differences in hardness
- Thin section of sizes up to 40mm×80mm
- Some focus on your microscope, as the surface is 100% plane
- Initial setting takes a total of 5-10 minutes
Access to equipment:
- Equipment is available at the Department of Geology, Aškerčeva 12, Room P6. Equipment rental or independent work is not possible because it needs a qualified technician (a three days training of the headquarters of PELCON, Denmark and at least one year of expertise in TS preparation). All information:
Price of equipment use: