Price list

Price List (in EUR) of Services Offered by the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering in the 2022/23 Academic Year


Subject implementation with (bridge) exam for all study levels(*) *
First, second, third examinations for persons without student status, individual (bridge) exam at bachelor and master studies 66,10
Fourth and fifth examinations in Bachelor and Master programmes and third in Doctoral programmes 198,30
Second registration of the doctoral dissertation topic **

* When calculating costs for completing the missing study obligations (except for calculating costs under item 4.6) the University of Ljubljana Member will consider the value of credit points for a specific subject and the fee amounts for the year of the degree programme. The cost of completing any individual subject at the University of Ljubljana Member is calculated by determining the value of the credit point with regard to the fee per study year, multiplied by the number of credit points for a subject.

** The cost equals the tuition fee for the 3rd year of the doctoral study programme, and can be reduced in accordance with Article 8 of the Regulations on evaluation of costs at the UL in the academic year 2022/2023


Issuing a certificate for completed exams or achieved average grade in Slovene or English language 5,00
Issuing other certificates (except certificates of enrolment) in Slovene or English language 9,60
Issuing a certificate for completed exams or achieved average grade in Slovene or English language for persons without the student status 9,90
Issuing other certificates in Slovene or English language for persons without the student status 18,80
issuing of certificates for purchasing pension qualifying period or exercising the years of study*** 69,40

*** 22 % VAT is added to this number

Applications, applications for issuing decisions:

On recognition of prior learning 43,00
On determining conditions for continuing with studies after a break of more than 2 years or after change of programme 94,20
On determining conditions for continuing studies after a break of more than 10 years 186,80
All other decisions 99,20

Issuing copies of the degree and issuing the diploma supplements:

duplicate or new diploma***/**** 143,80
22 % VAT included 175,44
additional issue of diploma supplement*** 50,00
22 % VAT included 61,00

*** VAT is added
**** Upon a request for issuing a duplicate of the diploma paper, it is required to submit the proof of payment of administrative fee

Final thesis and defence (only for persons without student status)

Bachelor degree programme – academic programme (AP) 689,20
Bachelor degree programme – professional higher education degree programme (PP) 550,40
Master degree programme 1034,70


Fee for graduation ceremony (payable only when first enrolling into the last year) 10.00
Contribution for the student council (payable upon enrolment) 3.00
Receiving SMS messages (optional – payable upon enrolment) 5.00
Administrative fee 1.81

In accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act, we do not issue certificates to third parties.
Prices do not include VAT.
Other services are charged in accordance with the University of Ljubljana Price List.

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