Project Creative path to practical knowledge
Slovene human resources development and scholarship fund on 17 November 2014 announced a public tender for co-financing projects Creative path to practical konwledge.
Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering performs the following projects:
• Mehanizem sprožitve plitvih zemeljskih plazov – testno območje občini Sevnica in Šentjur
• Kreativni izdelki iz digitalno tiskanega frotirja
• Razvoj aluminijeve zlitine in tehnologije izdelave za aplikacijo v farmaciji
• Kovinski materiali izdelani z energijami velikih gostot
• Označevalni sistem parka Postojnska jama
• Optimizacija mikrostrukture aluminijevih livnih zlitin
More information about project you can find on
The project is partly financed by the EU, of the European Social Fund. The project is implemented under the Operational Programme Human Resources Development for the period 2007-2013, 1. Development Priority ” Promoting entrepreneurship and adaptability” , 1.3. Scholarship schemes, within the approved operation “Creative path to practical knowledge”