Exhibition of costume sketches for the performance theme: ADAM, EVE, GOD AND SNAKE

Through the theme of the myth of the first humans and the expulsion from paradise, the students explored concepts such as authority, temptation, punishment, transformation… They updated the basic theme and dramaturgically applied it to the present day and contemporary challenges such as:

artificial intelligence, robotization, destruction of the Amazon rainforest, pressures of social media, the Barbiefication of aesthetic ideals, aesthetic plastic surgeries, genetic manipulations, etc.

2nd-year master students of course Costume Design:
Kaja Čotar, Kaja Čufer, Nika Godec, Nina Gorišek, Katarina Ekart, Tasja Videmšek, Kristi Komel, Ivana Jovanović

Mentor: Assoc. Prof. Karin Košak

Location: Gallery Mitnica, Snežniška 5

Date, duration: February 5 – March 5, 2024

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