3rd semester195306060088530
Textile design 2a30001501806
Fashion design 2a30001501806
Presentation techniques 1a1501545753
Colour studies3015045903
Woven and knitted structures 230030601204
Digital design 215015901204
Historical development of design45150601204
4th semester165459060090030
Textile design 2b30001501806
Fashion design 2b30001501806
Presentation techniques 1b301515601204
Basics of dyeing15151545903
Elective course 230030601204
Elective course 315015901204
Optional coursesHoursECTS
Sustainable design 115015901204
Fashion accessories 130030601204
Fashion styling 130150751204
Development of special clothing patterns 145015601204
Special textiles 130030601204
Graphic communications 130030601204
Fashion and clothing studies45150601204
Interior design 13000901204
English for specific purposes0600601204
Digital design 315015901204
Textile art 13000901204
Marketing of textiles and clothing4515090204

Abbreviations used for the syllabus:
L – lectures
S – seminar
P – practice
O – other forms of educational activities (mainly project work)
ECTS – European Credits Transfer System (1 credit point equals a 30-hour student workload)

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