Enrolment spaces and admission requirements+

The number of enrolment spaces is 10.

The graduates of the following study programmes can enrol in the doctoral programme Textile Engineering, Graphic Communication and Textile Design:

  • second level study programmes;
  • study programmes providing education for occupations regulated by the Directives of the European Union, evaluated with at least 300 ECTS credits;
  • academic study programmes (before 11 June 2004);
  • study programmes leading to a masters degree or a specialisation after completing an academic study programme; 60 ECTS credits of study obligations will be recognised to such candidates;
  • study programmes leading to specialisation provided that candidates have previously completed a higher education professional study programme; for these candidates, additional entry requirements in individual areas amounting from 30 to 60 ECTS will be specified.
Criteria for selection in the case of limited enrolment+

If the number of candidates applying for the programme exceeds the number of enrolment spaces, the candidates shall be short-listed according to their general success at their previous study as well as in the scientific and professional fields as follows:

  • average mark of the exams of previous study (mark × 10 points),
  • mark for the diploma thesis and its defence (mark × 3 points),
  • a research paper evaluated by the criteria of the habilitation commission of the University of Ljubljana – proportional allocation of points is taken into account ((2 to 8) × 2 points),
  • the Prešeren award at the University of Ljubljana – proportional allocation of points is taken into account (10 points),
  • the Prešeren award at the faculty – proportional allocation of points is taken into account; if the same work is submitted as a diploma thesis, only half of the envisaged points shall be taken into account (6 points).
Recognition of knowledge and skills acquired prior to enrolment in programme+

The knowledge which has been acquired by the candidate through various types of study will be recognised if the content of such studies corresponds to the content of the courses included in the doctoral study programme Textile Engineering, Graphic Communication and Textile Design. The decisions on the recognition of the knowledge and skills acquired prior to the enrolment in the programme shall be taken by the Studies Commission of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering on the basis of the candidate’s written application, enclosed certificates and other documents which evidence the successfully acquired knowledge and the content of such knowledge.
In its decision-making, the Studies Commission will take into account the following criteria:

  • fulfilment of the conditions required to enrol in various types of study (required previous education for enrolment in the programme),
  • the extent of the previous study (the number of hours of the previous study in comparison with the number of hours of the study the candidate is enrolling in),
  • suitability of the content of the previous study in comparison with the content of the study the student is enrolling in.
  • The acquired knowledge can be recognised as the fulfilled obligation if the condition for enrolment corresponded to the conditions required for enrolment in the doctoral study programme consisting of the courses of textiles, graphic and interactive communications, and theory of textile design, if the previous study encompassed at least 75% of the extent of the course, and if at least 75% of the content of the previous study correspond to the content of the course the candidate is enrolling in. If the Commission establishes that the acquired knowledge may be recognised, the candidate’s knowledge shall be evaluated with an equal number of ECTS credits as the course the candidate is enrolling in.

Conditions for advancing through programme+

To advance to the 2nd year of the doctoral study, the students shall meet the obligations, which allot them a minimum of 45 ECTS credits of which a minimum of 20 ECTS credits shall be accumulated from basic courses.

To advance to the 3rd year of the doctoral study, the students shall meet all obligations of the organised study forms of the 1st and 2nd year, and have approved a positive assessment of the appropriateness of the topic of the doctoral dissertation by the Committee for the follow-up of a doctoral student (KSDŠ) and by the Senate of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering.

To advance to the 4th year of the doctoral study, the students shall meet all obligations of the organised study forms of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd year, and have an approved topic of doctoral dissertation at the University of Ljubljana.

Transfer between programmes+

The transfer between study programmes is considered as discontinuation of the study in the third level study programme the candidate has enrolled in, and continuation of the study in the doctoral study programme Textile Engineering, Graphic Communication and Textile Design.
The following criteria are taken into account for the transfer between programmes:

  • fulfilment of the conditions for enrolment in the new study programme,
  • the number of places available,
  • the years or semesters in the previous study programme in which the candidate met all study obligations and which can be recognised in full,
  • the minimum number of semesters the candidate will have to complete in order to take the doctoral degree in the new programme.


Transfer between 3rd level doctoral study programmes

The students enrolled in the 3rd level doctoral study programmes in the field of textile science, graphic and interactive communications, natural sciences and mathematics, design, technical, humanistic and social sciences who meet the conditions for enrolment in the doctoral programme will receive the list of additional obligations which shall be met in order to take their doctoral degree in the new programme.

Transfer between post-graduate studies and 3rd level doctoral study programme prior to the introduction of the Bologna Declaration

The students in the post-graduate study programme at the NTF OTGO (Faculty of Natural
Sciences and Engineering, Department of Textiles, Graphic Arts and Design) and the relative post-graduate study programmes (in the field of textile science, graphic and interactive communications, natural sciences and mathematics, design, technical, humanistic and social sciences) who were accredited prior to the enforcement of the Higher Education Act Amendment will receive the list of additional obligations which shall be completed in order to be able to take their doctoral degree in the new study programme.
The decisions about transfers between the programmes shall be made by the Studies Commission of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering in accordance with the Statute of the University of Ljubljana, the Criteria for Transfer between Study Programmes and other regulations.

Conditions for study completion+

Students can complete the study and obtain the scientific title doctor of science if they have successfully met all obligations set down in the programme and have successfully defended their doctoral theses. The students must publish a minimum of one scientific paper dealing with the course-matter of their doctoral theses, which is SCI, SSCI or A&HCI indexed. The author must be the first author of the paper. The paper must be accepted for publication prior submitting a doctoral dissertation for evaluation.

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