You are cordially invited to the opening of the exhibition MIRRORING THE WHOLE, which embodies the integration of science and art through the collaboration of the Slovenian National Building and Civil Engineering Institute and Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering University of Ljubljana, along with the local communities.

Thursday, November 14th 2024 at 4:30 p.m. at Street Gallary Mitnica, Snežniška 5, Ljubljana.

Exhibition authors: dr. Lidija Korat, dr. Rok Vezočnik, doc. dr. Sabina Dolenec, dr. Mateja Golež, prof. Marija Jenko

Special thanks: dr. Darja Rant, Janko Rozič, Blaž Zarnik, dr. Vesna Zalar Serjun, dr. Dragica Marinič, Domen Pucko

With modern 3D technologies for capturing spatial data, which institute ZAG introduces in research processes, data is collected, which after analysis is wholly reflected in its component parts. Whether it is microtomography data of the internal structures of materials or lidar data of a mine, un underground structure. In both cases, we enter the inner structures, discovering unknown worlds.

It is extraordinary that we can interpret our discoveries through art and thus contribute, among other things, to the New European Bauhaus initiative, which strives to transform society in a sustainable way with values ​​such as beautiful, sustainable and inclusive.

ZAG works in the built environment, therefore, with its mission and vision, it develops programs such as materials with organic additives, recycled materials and low-carbon materials for the presentation of natural structures, museum samples, and in art and with programs aimed at revitalizing degraded spaces.

Especially when we work in degraded environments, we have to connect the research and creative level and work as a whole at the project and implementation level. Therefore, with the exhibition, we want to encompass the whole, which is never completely visible, but which is crucial for understanding scientific and artistic content, because in life only contact with the whole heals.

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