Exhibition title: Vastra katha – textile stories
Author: Rutika T. Jain
Rutika T. Jain is a textile artist and designer from Pune, India. After graduating in Commercial Art, she specialized in Textile Design at the Shrishti School of Art and Design in Bangalore, India. In 2014, she was a visiting student at the Faculty of Science and Technology of the University of Ljubljana. She is the founder of the design studio Ikka Studio in India.
Where: Mitnica, Snežniška 5, Ljubljana
When: 23. 4. – 5. 5. 2024
Description: The Textile Stories exhibition presents layers of artistic expressions of nature through textile textures, which raise awareness of the various feelings of nature through textile materials and techniques. They emphasize the capabilities, meanings and purposes of the nature that surrounds us. The presented works of art deal with permanence and transience, the beginning, the end and the new beginning, with which the author identifies through various textile techniques.
Link: Ikka Studio, (studioikka@gmail.com)
Naslov razstave: Vastra katha – tekstilne zgodbe
Avtorica: Rutika T. Jain
Rutika T. Jain je tekstilna umetnica in oblikovalka iz mesta Pune v Indiji. Po diplomi iz komercialne umetnosti je specializirala tekstilno oblikovanje na Shrishti School of Art and Design v Bangalore, Indija. Leta 2014 je bila gostujoča študentka na Naravoslovnotehniški fakulteti Univerze v Ljubljani. Je ustanoviteljica oblikovalskega stuida Ikka Studio v Indiji.
Kje: Mitnica, Snežniška 5, Ljubljana
Kdaj: 23. 4. – 5. 5. 2024
Opis: Razstava Tekstilne zgodbe predstavlja plasti likovnih ekspresij narave skozi tekstilne teksture, ki ozaveščajo različna občutja narave skozi tekstilne materiale in tehnike. Naglašujejo zmožnosti, pomene in namene narave, ki nas obdaja. Predstavljena umetniška dela se ukvarjajo s trajnostjo in minljivostjo, začetek, konec in ponoven začetkek, s katerimi se avtorica poistoveti preko različnih tekstilnih tehnik.
Povezava: Ikka Studio, (studioikka@gmail.com)