Transfers between study programmes
Provisions for transfer between different study programmes are set out by the Statute of UL (Art. 181 through 189) and Criteria for transfers between study programmes. Transfer is defined as termination of studies in one university programme and continuation of studies in a new university programme, meaning that all (or part) of completed obligations from the previous programme are recognised in the new programme of Metallurgical Technology (Criteria for transfers between study programmes (Official Gazette RS, No. 45/94)). A completed exam from the previous programme is recognised provided that the contents of the courses are at least 75% comparable. The recognised course is assigned the same number of ECTS (60 ECTS).
The provisions above do not apply to changing a study programme due to failing to complete obligations in the previous programme.
Students of the first-cycle higher professional study programme in Metallurgical Technology are allowed to make transfers from the following programmes:
- from new first-cycle university study programmes of Materials Engineering or similar study programmes in science or engineering;
- from undergraduate university study programmes of Materials and Metallurgy or similar study programmes in science or engineering adopted after 1994,
- from higher educational programmes in metallurgy and related programmes (science and engineering) adopted before 1994,
- from new higher professional first-cycle study programmes in the field of metallurgy and related disciplines (sciences or engineering),
- from higher professional first-cycle study programmes in the field of metallurgy and related disciplines (sciences or engineering) adopted after 1994,
- for graduates of higher professional study programmes in metallurgy adopted before 1994 and
- for graduates of higher professional study programmes in metallurgy who graduated under the Act on vocational and professional education (Official Gazette RS, No. 12/96).
Based on the Rules for knowledge testing and assessment of NTF, UL, the Study
Commission of the Department of Materials and Metallurgy may prescribe additional obligations (differential exams) and the time period for completing these obligations. The Study Commission may also recognise part of the exams the student has completed in the previous programme that are not part of the syllabus in the higher professional first-cycle study programme of Metallurgical Technology. Such courses will be treated as external optional courses.
If a candidate wishes to transfer from new first-cycle university study programmes to the higher professional first-cycle study programme in Metallurgical Technology, or from other new university study programmes offered by NTF, the Study Commission of the Department may recognise some profession- related courses from the previous programme. These will be treated as optional courses. Practical training may be recognised upon submission of certification.
Enrolment in the 2nd or 3rd year of the new first-cycle higher professional programme of Metallurgical Technology is possible if the candidate meets the following criteria:
- meets the conditions for enrolment in this programme,
- if there are vacancies and
- if all study obligations in the previous year of the previous programme have been completed.
Progression to the 2nd year of studies
Candidates may progress to the 2nd year of the new first-cycle higher professional programme of Metallurgical Technology from a previous programme if the content of the syllabus of the 1st year of the Metallurgical Technology programme does not differ from the contents of the previous programme by more than 30 ECTS. Progression to the 2nd year of the new Metallurgical Technology programme is possible for graduates from higher-professional study programmes (vocational education in metallurgy, mechanical engineering or metal processing branches (Official Gazette RS, No. 12/96)).
The Study Commission of the Department of Materials and Metallurgy may prescribe additional (differential) exams up to 20 ECTS that need to be obtained prior to enrolment in the 3rd year.
Progression to the 3rd year of studies
Candidates may progress to the 3rd year of the new first-cycle higher professional programme of Metallurgical Technology if the content of the 1st and 2nd year syllabus of the Metallurgical Technology programme does not differ from the contents of the 1st and 2nd year of the previous programme by more than 45 ECTS.
The Study Commission of the Department of Materials and Metallurgy may prescribe additional (differential) exams up to 40 ECTS that need to be obtained before the completion of the new study programme.
Graduates from a previous higher-professional programme (adopted before 1 Jan.
1994) may also progress to the 3rd year of the new Metallurgical Technology programme provided they have minimum three years of work experience.