
Building digital 3D competencies in fashion education for diversity, inclusion, and a green transition.

Me-You-Us is an EU-founded ME-YOU-US project is fouded by the European Union  project and is a three-year collaboration between three higher education institutions: the University of Ljubljana (SI), Willem de Kooning Academy (NL), and Design School Kolding (DK).

The University of Ljubljana is hosting a three-day meeting for all three project partners, to share findings and work on the further development of learning modules.

First module, Me: Introduction to virtual prototyping will be implemented in the learning process in the coming months and will be carried out with associate partner Tronog (SI).


Razvijanje digitalnih 3D kompetenc na področju oblikovanja tekstilij in oblačil za raznolikost, vključenost in zeleni prehod.

Erasmus+ ME-YOU-US project is fouded by the European Union projekt Me-You-Us vzpostavlja triletno sodelovanje med tremi visokošolskimi institucijami: Univerzo v Ljubljani (SI), Willem de Kooning Academy (NL) in Design School Kolding (DK).

Naravoslovnotehniška fakulteta Univerze v Ljubljani gosti tridnevno srečanje vseh treh projektnih partnerjev na katerem si bomo izmenjali dosedanje izkušnje in razultate ter nadaljevali razvoj učnih modulov.

Prvi modul, Me (Jaz): Uvod v virtualno prototipiranje, bo implementiran v učni proces v naslednjih mesecih in bo izveden v sodelovanju s pridruženim partnerjem Tronog (SI).

ME-YOU-US project is fouded by the European Union

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