Curriculum Hours ECTS
1st semester 195 135 120 0 450 30
Information technologies 30 0 30 0 60 4
Aesthetic of textiles and clothing 30 30 0 0 60 4
English for specific purpose 0 60 0 0 60 4
Textile raw materials 45 30 15 0 90 6
Yarns 30 30 30 0 90 6
Physical-mechanical properties of textiles and clothing 30 30 30 0 90 6
2nd semester 450 30
Theoretical approach to dyeing and finishing 45 45 0 0 90 6
Development of clothing patterns 30 15 15 0 60 4
Woven fabrics 30 15 45 0 90 6
Knitted fabrics and knitwear 30 30 30 0 90 6
Nonwovens 30 0 30 0 60 4
Basics of visual expression 30 30 0 0 60 4
TOTAL 360 315 225 0 900 60

Abbreviations used for the syllabus:
L – Lectures
S – seminar
P – practice
O – other forms of educational activities (mainly project work)
ECTS – European Credits Transfer System (1 credit point equals a 30-hour student workload)

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