The student’s level of learning shall be established and graded by individual courses and by concluding the learning process of each course with a final exam. The general rules of verifying knowledge shall be regulated according to the FNSE Examination Regulations approved by the senate of this institution. The verification of knowledge for all courses will take place in the form of written and/or oral exams. At the same time, previous knowledge that is a prerequisite for taking the exam shall be verified for each individual course. The method for verifying knowledge can be: papers and project reports, practical tasks or products, presentation and defence of papers and project works, reports on completed practical classes, oral knowledge verification during practical classes and/or examination of practical work. The grading scale prescribed by the Statute of the University of Ljubljana shall be used for grading. All forms of knowledge verification shall be graded with the following marks: 6–10 (positive), 1–5 (negative).
Conditions for entry into a higher class
To enter into a higher class, a student must obtain a minimum of 54 ECTS credit points. The FNSE Studies Committee may exceptionally grant the promotion into a higher class to a student who has reached at least 42 ECTS credits in the previous class if they can prove justifiable cause. Justifiable causes are specified in the Statute of the University of Ljubljana.
Conditions to repeat a class
In order to repeat the first year, the student must have a minimum of 28 ECTS credit points. During the course of studies, a student may repeat a class once or transfer to another study programme once for having failed to meet their obligations in the previous study programme.
To complete the studies, students must meet all obligations in all enrolled courses, prepare a masters thesis and defend it.
The transfer between study programmes is possible within the second level study programmes of the Department of Textiles, Graphic Arts and Design of the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering and other faculties in accordance with the Higher Education Act, the Criteria for Changing Study Programmes and other regulations.
For transfer between programmes, the following criteria shall be taken into account:
- meeting the conditions for enrolment in the new study programme,
- number of places available,
- years or semesters in previous study programme where the student has completed all the work required and which can be credited in full,
- minimum number of semesters the student will have to complete in order to graduate in the new programme.
Transfer is possible:
- from the second level study programmes in the following areas of expertise: graphic and interactive communications, computer science, informatics and media,
- from the second level study programmes from other professional fields,
- from the university programmes prior to the introduction of the Bologna Declaration in the following areas of expertise: graphic and interactive communications, computer science, informatics and media,
- from the university programmes prior to the introduction of the Bologna Declaration from other professional fields.
Candidates must meet the conditions required for the entry into the programme they wish to transfer into. For each individual candidate, the FNSE Studies Committee determines the obligations that have to be met prior to the enrolment into the new programme and specifies which year the student can enrol into.
External electives
Students have the possibility of selecting 33% of their electives required by the programme (12 ECTS credit points) from other masters programmes at the Department of Textiles, Graphic Arts and Design, the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering or from the masters programmes at other faculties.
Students have the possibility to transfer 30 ECTS credit points (one study semester, regardless whether obligatory or elective units) from any programme in the field of textile or clothing activities offered by universities and other institutions of higher education in the AUTEX and Erasmus+ network.
The postgraduate study programme Textile and Clothing Planning is organised as a full-time study. Based on the needs expressed by the companies in the industry, it may also be conducted as a part-time study. The part-time study is performed separately from the full-time study, so that a minimum of 60% of programme contact hours are conducted.
The courses are organised in the Slovenian language. The instructions for experimental work are provided in the English language to foreign mobility students. Parallel courses in the English language are organised if there are more than 5 students registered for an individual course and if the financing is ensured. Otherwise, the contents of lectures in English are provided in writing.