About project
The Society of Chemical Scientists of UL FKKT Cutting Edge invites you on February 27 (at 4 pm) to visit 2nd floor of the Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology for the exhibition of corporate identity proposals for the Cutting Edge 2021 scientific conference. Proposals were made by master students of Graphic and Interactive Communications, Department of Textiles, Graphic Arts and Design, UL NTF, within the subject Integration of Design and Technology (2019/20).
Authors and mentors NTF: doc. dr. Nace Pušnik, assistant. dr. Gregor Franken
Authors and mentors FKKT: Asst. dr. Jacob Kljun, Assistant. Marija Kisilak, Tina Paljk, Monika Horvat
Exhibition Design: Patricija Selič
You can see some of the opening moments in the gallery below (Photo: Andreja Korošec).