About project
It is already the established practice of recent years that we are trying to connect the pedagogical process at the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering in cooperation with various institutions. This academic year 2015/2016 is no exception. Cooperation began in September when we joined the Slovenian Cinematheque and came up with a common idea of cooperation in a project called TypoTheque (Slovenian: Črkoteka). After several meetings, the idea matures and was presented to students of two programmes at the Department of Textiles, Graphic Arts and Design. We have linked two, perhaps at first glance, not the most compatible things; nevertheless, we can say that the idea was a hit in full and impressed both the ones we created and the students who were included in the study process. The idea was to connect Slovenian films from the 1950s onwards with typography. In the past, film posters offered one of the few (if not the only) forms of presenting and advertising new films. Preserved film posters were the basis for further work. In the research-creative work, students recreated old film posters; they are dressed in new images, especially by creating new typefaces that preserve the essence of the film from the past with a touch of modernity.
The project assignment represents the best students achievements of the 3rd year of Graphic and Interactive Communications and 2nd year of Graphic and Media Technology, which were produced in the winter semester of the academic year 2015/2016. Students’ creativity is understood through the created typefaces.
In galleries you can see photos from two exhibitions.