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BibliografijaCelotna bibliografija (COBISS)Vrednotenje raziskovalne uspešnosti (ARRS)Citiranost bibliografskih zapisov (SICRIS)Celotna bibliografija (ORCID)ScopusResearch GateCrossRefLinkedInNUK oddaljeni dostopWoS SCIDoktorska disertacija (PDF)Timotej Verbovšek – Doktorat / PhD [pdf — 14 MB]Članki (1.01)Cave forms and origin of the cave Pečina v Zjatih (Matarsko podolje, Slovenia)Ustrezne analize črpalnih poizkusov v razpoklinskih vodonosnikihFractal analysis of the distribution of cave lengths in SloveniaHydraulic conductivities of fractures and matrix in Slovenian carbonate aquifersFactors influencing the hydraulic properties of wells in dolomite aquifers of SloveniaEstimation of transmissivity and hydraulic conductivity from specific capacity and specific capacity index in dolomite aquifersDiagenetic effects on the well yield of dolomite aquifers in SloveniaQuantitative analysis of randomness exhibited by river channels using chaos game technique: Mississippi, Amazon, Sava and Danube case studiesInfluences of aquifer properties on flow dimensions in dolomitesExtrapolation of fractal dimensions of natural fracture networks from one to two dimensions in dolomites of SloveniaBCFD - A Visual Basic program for calculation of the fractal dimension of digitized geological image data using a box-counting techniqueHydrogeology and geochemistry of fractured dolomites-a case study of SloveniaAnalysis of surface roughness in the Sveta Magdalena paleo-landslide in the Rebrnice areaA comparison of parameters below the limit of detection in geochemical analyses by substitution methodsInorganic carbon cycle in soil-rock-groundwater system in karst and fissured aquifersA lidar, GIS and basic spatial statistic application for the study of ravine and palaeo-ravine evolution in the upper Vipava valley, SW SloveniaCa and Mg in fractured and karstic aquifers of SloveniaMulti-criteria evaluation of Lower Savinja valley aquifer for exploitation of groundwater as a renewable energy sourceComparison of hydraulic conductivities by grain-size analysis, pumping, and slug tests in Quaternary gravels, NE SloveniaMineralogical, hydrogeochemical and isotopic characteristics of the Žveplenica sulphide karstic spring (Trebuša Valley, NW Slovenia)Isotope Geochemistry of Groundwater from Fractured Dolomite Aquifers in Central SloveniaFraktali v geologijiStromatoliti – žive(če) kamnineComparison of methods for geomorphometric analysis of surface roughness in the Vipava ValleyHydrogeochemistry and isotope geochemistry of Velenje Basin groundwaterInfluence of water demand and climate changes on water availability in south-eastern EuropeSpatial distribution and origin of coalbed gases at the working faces of the Velenje Coal Basin, Slovenia, since the year 2000Volume determination of the Selo landslide complex (SW Slovenia): integrating field mapping, ground penetrating radar and GIS approachesBiogeochemistry of some selected Slovenian rivers (Kamniška Bistrica, Idrijca and Sava in Slovenia): insights into river water geochemistry, stable carbon isotopes and weathering material flowsHeterogeneously composed Lozice fossil landslide in Rebrnice area, Vipava ValleyThe variety of landslide forms in Slovenia and its immediate NW surroundings3rd Regional Symposium on Landslides in the Adriatic-Balkan Region (3rd ReSyLAB)—a final reportDetermination of rock type and moisture content in flysch using TLS intensity in the Elerji quarry (south-west Slovenia)GIS-assisted classification of litho-geomorphological units using Maximum Likelihood Classification, Vipava Valley, SW SloveniaGravitational sliding of the carbonate megablocks in the Vipava Valley, SW SloveniaMorphometric properties of dolines in Matarsko podolje, SW SloveniaThe effect of geochemical processes on groundwater in the Velenje coal basin, SloveniaOrigin of the Jezero v Ledvicah lake; a depression in a gutter-shaped karstic aquifer (Julian Alps, NW Slovenia)VAT Method for Visualization of Mass Movement Features: An Alternative to Hillshaded DEMRaziskovanje potopljenih rudnikov v Evropi s podvodnim robotom – projekt UnexminProstorska statistika globin vrtač na Matarskem podolju z metodo Getis-Ord - Spatial statistics of doline depths in Matarsko podolje (SW Slovenia) with Getis-Ord methodCyclicity of Middle Jurassic calciturbidites of the Travnik Formation, Bovec Basin, NW SloveniaAnaliza anizotropije kraškega površja z uporabo smernih semivariogramov iz digitalnega modela reliefaImproved Automatic Classification of Litho-Geomorphological Units by Using Raster Image Blending, Vipava Valley (SW Slovenia)The Influence of Water Temperature on the Hydrogeochemical Composition of Groundwater during Water Extraction and Reinjection with Geothermal HeatAnalysis of Karst Surface Anisotropy Using Directional Semivariograms, SloveniaHydrogeochemical conditions of submarine and terrestrial karst sulfur springs in the Northern AdriaticVariability of Double-Porosity Flow, Interporosity Flow Coefficient λ and Storage Ratio ω in DolomitesUporaba satelitske interferometrije InSAR za spremljavo premikov kompleksnega plazovitega območja na Rebrnicah vzdolž hitre ceste Razdrto-VipavaČlanki - prosti dostop preko Springer NatureVolume determination of the Selo landslide complex (SW Slovenia): integrating field mapping, ground penetrating radar and GIS approachesFactors influencing the hydraulic properties of wells in dolomite aquifers of SloveniaMineralogical, hydrogeochemical and isotopic characteristics of the Žveplenica sulphide karstic spring (Trebuša Valley, NW Slovenia)Diagenetic effects on the well yield of dolomite aquifers in SloveniaExtrapolation of fractal dimensions of natural fracture networks from one to two dimensions in dolomites of SloveniaThe variety of landslide forms in Slovenia and its immediate NW surroundings3rd Regional Symposium on Landslides in the Adriatic-Balkan Region (3rd ReSyLAB)—a final reportDetermination of rock type and moisture content in flysch using TLS intensity in the Elerji quarry (south-west Slovenia)GIS-assisted classification of litho-geomorphological units using Maximum Likelihood Classification, Vipava Valley, SW SloveniaMorphometric properties of dolines in Matarsko podolje, SW SloveniaAnalysis of Karst Surface Anisotropy Using Directional Semivariograms, SloveniaDeli z drugimi:Natisni