Javni razpis za sofinanciranje znanstvenoraziskovalnega sodelovanja med Republiko Slovenijo in Francosko republiko v okviru Programa PROTEUS v letih 2021 in 2022

Dear Sir or Madam,

For information, the call for applications for the “PHC Proteus 2021-2022” programme is currently open until 23rd April 2020.

This French-Slovenian programme finances the mobility of researchers in the frame of research projects involving a French and a Slovenian institution, over the period of 2 years.

All scientific disciplines are eligible. You can find more information on the ARRS website: http://www.arrs.si/sl/medn/dvostr/Drzave/Francija/razpisi/20/razp-franc-proteus-21-22.asp

Best regards,

Officer for Academic and Scientific Cooperation

Breg 12
SLO-1000 Ljubljana
T +386 (0) 1 2000 532



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