Aktualnosti programa Horizon Europe: Zapis briefinga s srečanja z DG RTD EC J.E. Paquet

Posredujemo vam aktualnosti programa Horizon Europe s področja znanosti, raziskav in inovacij. Povzetek najdete v sporočilu v nadaljevanju .


Some points from the meeting we had on March 3rd with DG RTD Jean-Eric Paquet:


  1. Budget
    • HE budget is under pressure by the other traditional policies (CAP, Cohesion, etc) but also by some of the states that oppose increase in MFF, since they are more willing to finance research at national level. Brexit complicates the negotiations.
    • It is very much unclear what will be the position of EP, if they will choose to defend HE budget or not.
    • There is a risk that the negotiations will be delayed and that there will be an impact on the calls for 2021
    • In case of HE budget reduction, pillar III might be under more pressure since this foresees new measures. Pillar I and Pillar II are too important to suffer the same reduction as pillar III.
    • However, EIC is strongly supported by RTD.
    • Universities are encouraged to lobby their national governments. Any message sent to Ministries of Education, research or finance is important.
  1. HE policy
    • RTD is closely collaborating with EAC, not only at policy level but also operational
    • There is a study under preparation on the concept of Universities of the future and a policy paper is expected mid of this year
    • There will be a new Communication on ERA this year as well.
    • RTD will continue to organise R&I days on 22-24 September
  1. European Universities Initiative
    • For the selected EuropUniv there will be a top-up of the grant if they decide to integrate also their research activities in addition to the education ones
    • European Univ will be further involved and consulted in the development of the work programmes for R&I
  1. Green Deal
    • There will be a dedicated call on all societal challenges and also EIC instruments in 2020 dedicated exclusively to Green Deal
    • RTD is very supportive of Green Deal and considers it as very disruptive policy with impact on the long-term competitiveness of EU economy
    • Green Deal will have a horizontal role in all future R&I projects, since the solutions developed will have to deliver on social and environmental objectives
    • Similarly, Mission and Partnerships will have to have a contribution in reaching Green Deal objectives


Slovenian Business & Research Association

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