EARMA Conference Travel Awards

Kandidati za udeležbo na EARMA konferenci imajo možnost, da se potegujejo za EARMA Conference travel award….

EARMA Conference Travel Awards

The 2019 EARMA Annual Conference will be in Bologna, Italy, 27-29 March.

We are pleased to announce that the EARMA Conference Travel Awards will be open for applications on Tuesday next week – 18th December 2018.  The deadline for submissions will be 11th January 2019 and we aim to inform successful applicants by 18th January 2019 in order that awardees can take advantage of the early bird rate for registration (by 25th January 2019).  Applications are to be made via the website.

For 2019 we will make up to five awards of €500 to help towards conference attendance.  We particularly encourage applications from COST Inclusiveness Target Countries (ITC).

Good luck!

The EARMA Awards Committee

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