Novi odgovori EC glede upravičenosti stroškov zaščitnih ukrepov v H2020 projektih

Spoštovani nosilci H2020 projektov,

Evropska komisija je na spletni strani Funding and Tenders Portal namenjeni vprašanjem glede posebnih pravil v času COVID-19 objavila odgovore na vprašanja glede upravičenosti stroškov H2020 projektov v zvezi z zaščitnimi ukrepi. Odgovore lahko upoštevate tudi v vaših projektih.


New FAQ on the eligibility of specific costs related to COVID-19 safety measures

The European Commission has added a new FAQ to its existing catalogue of questions on COVID-19 in the H2020 Funding and Tenders Portal. It deals with the eligibility of costs that arise from additional COVID-19 safety measures. These could e.g. be the purchase of gloves, masks and disinfectants, but also diagnostic tests.

Quite often such costs will be part of a beneficiary’s indirect costs and would therefore be covered by the flat rate of 25% of the direct costs. The Commission clarifies, that in case these expenses are considered direct costs of an institution according to its internal accounting rules, they could consequently also be charged as such in compliance with currently valid H2020 rules.

In special cases for which no respective standard accounting practice at the beneficiary exists (yet) – e.g. if a necessary test and additional accommodation costs are incurred due to an unexpected mandatory quarantine – the EU project officer should be contacted promptly so that decisions can be taken on a case-by-case basis.

» COVID-19 FAQ on the F&T Portal


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