OBZORJE2020: Coordinator’s Day on GAP; 21. Februar 2020

Evropska komisija vabi na informativni dan za koordinatorje evropski projektov Obzorja 2020 na temo priprave pogodbe za financiranje (Grant Agreement) izbranih projektov.

Dogodek bo 21. februarja v Bruslju. Prijavite se lahko preko spodnjega posredovanega sporočila. Dogodek je odprte narave, a prednost imajo koordinatorji projektov. Dogodek bo možno spremljati tudi preko spleta.

Originalno sporočilo EC:

Dear National Contact Point Coordinator for Horizon 2020,

On 21st February 2020 the European Commission will organise a “Coordinators’ Day on Grant Agreement Preparation” for coordinators of successful proposals. The purpose of this event is to explain the details on the preparation and signature of grant agreements. It will take place at the Charlemagne building in Brussels from 09:30H to 17:00H. This session is mainly meant for coordinators of proposals who are invited to prepare a grant agreement, but other participants are also welcome to attend, subject to the availability of seats.   Of course, NCPs are also welcome to participate. Please note that, unfortunately, the Commission will not be able to cover your travel/subsistence expenses. We apologise for this inconvenience.   Registration (first-come first-served basis) is via the following website: https://ec.europa.eu/digital-single-market/events/cf/coordinators-day-on-grant-agreement-preparation-21-02-2020/register.cfm.

The agenda is also available under the same link. It will also be possible to follow the event online here (no need to register).   We would be grateful if you could distribute this announcement broadly among your constituencies. As a reference, a News item about this event will be soon available on the Funding and Tenders Portal (https://ec.europa.eu/info/funding-tenders/opportunities/portal/screen/home).

For any question, please contact EC-EGRANTS-TRAINING@ec.europa.eu.

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