Ponudba za sodelovanje v Erasmus+ projektu na področju izobraževanja o podnebnih spremembah: WWEU: Invitation to participate in the Erasmus+ CLIMATE CHANGE EDUCATION project

Objavljamo ponudbo za sodelovanje v Erasmus+ projektu na področju izobraževanja o podnebnih spremembah.

Več informacij v nadaljevanju:

Dear European colleagues,

We would like to invite dedicated partners to participate in the brandnew and highly innovative Erasmus+ Schools project CLIMATE CHANGE EDUCATION – to be submitted in Denmark by Absalon University College in March 2020.

We are looking for one or two more knowledge partners, one of them might have special climate change capacity.


– considerable experience in educational innovation, in particular in innovation of science education at basic school level

– solid understanding of open science schooling

– interest in climate change prevention in schools and in developing climate change education in secondary school

– able to create useful guidance to school partners

– able to transform documentation and practical experience into quality outcomes

– able and willing to support schools, teachers and students along the project

We are also looking for secondary schools interested in participating.


– secondary schools able to engage teams of young students between 12 and 16 along the project and ensure participation in partner meetings (2 team captains), the teacher mobility (3-4 science teachers) and the student mobility (all student team members)

– extremely dedicated to find new ways in science education and to engage young students in science

– interested in experimenting with climate change based science education

– extremely willing to support the student teams’ science missions, despite restrictive curricula and also when working outside school hours is needed

– great interest in collaboration with schools from other countries

INTRO project in : Climate change education INTRO.

Seriously interested partner might request the full CONCEPT PAPER.

You are welcome to share the invitation with colleagues and organisations in your network, but please do not share in open networks.

Best regards,

Jan Gejel

Working with Europe


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