Razpis za nove člane upravnega odbora EIT – European Institute of Innovation and Technology /EIT Governing Board – Call for expression of interest – Deadline 7 October

Posredujemo vam informacijo o razpisu za nove člane upravnega odbora EIT – European Institute of Innovation and Technology. Rok za prijave: 7.oktober 2019.

Več informacij v sporočilu spodaj.


Dear all,


We are approaching you about a Call for expression of interest recently launched by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT), and that might be of interest to you.

The call concern the selection of eight new members of the EIT Governing Board.

The EIT Governing Board consists of 12 European innovation leaders appointed by the European Commission for a four-year non-renewable mandate. It provides the EIT’s strategic leadership and is independent in its decision-making. Specifically, it is responsible for the selection, designation and evaluation of the EIT’s Knowledge and Innovation Communities (KICs).

The call is open to leading academics, business representatives, entrepreneurs, innovators and researchers.

The EIT total proposed budget under Horizon Europe is of €3 billion, which represents an increase of €600 million or 25% compared to the current period 2014-2020. The proposed EIT Strategic Innovation Agenda for 2021-2027 also foresees a new specific measure aimed at supporting the innovation capacity of Higher Education Institutions, with a proposed budget of €400 million.

It is therefore important that the academic community is represented in the EIT Governing Board and we recommend you to share this call internally and encourage your leading academics, researchers and innovators to apply.


In attachment you can find an analysis produced by The Guild office and that can help you in the identification of possible suitable candidates.

Please note that EIT Governing Board members are appointed in a personal capacity, acting independently and in the public interest. In its appointments, the Commission gives regard to the balance between higher education, research, innovation and business experience as well as to gender and geographical balance.

The deadline for applications is 7 October 2019 (24:00 CET).

More information, including specific eligibility and selection criteria and documentation to be submitted, can be found at this link: https://eit.europa.eu/news-events/news/calling-europes-innovation-leaders-join-eit-governing-board

We remain at your disposal for any questions you might have.

Best regards,

 Silvia Bottaro

Senior Policy Officer

The Guild of European Research-Intensive Universities

Rue du Trône 98, B-1050 Brussels


E-mail: silvia.bottaro@the-guild.eu

T +32 (0)2 274 05 06 (direct line) or +32 (0)2 274 05 00

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