Razpis za Ralf-Dahrendorf nagrado v višini 50.000 eur, odprt do 26. februarja 2021

Obvestilo o Razpisu za Ralf-Dahrendorf nagrado v višini 50.000 eur.

Na razpis se lahko prijavijo vsi raziskovalci, ki so v sodelovanju z nemško institucijo v zadnjih dveh letih uspešno zaključili Horizon 2020 projekt.

Razpis je odprt do 26. februarja 2021.

Več informacij:

Deadline for Ralf-Dahrendorf-Prize extended

The deadline for the Ralf-Dahrendorf-Prize for the European Research Area has been extended until 26 February 2021. Researchers who have successfully completed a Horizon 2020 project in cooperation with a German institution in the last two years can apply for the Ralf-Dahrendorf-Prize, offered by the German Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF). For an application, a five-page sketch of the completed project in addition with a five-page strategy for science communication needs to be submitted via the federal funding portal. Six researchers will have the opportunity to receive up to EUR 50,000 for measures to share their research results with society.

» Website of the BMBF on the Ralf-Dahrendorf-Prize (German only)


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