Tretji razpis Interreg Danube: rok za oddajo projektnih prijav je podaljšan do 26.11.2019

v nadaljevanju vam posredujemo obvestilo o podaljšanju roka za oddajo projektnih prijav na tretji razpis Interreg Danube – rok za oddajo projektnih prijav je podaljšan do 26.11.2019.


Dear Representatives of the LA,


We would like to inform you that the MA/ JS decided to extend the deadline for submission of the Application Forms until 26th of November 15:00 CET. This decision was taken due to the fact that eMS system slowed down due to the heavy load.

This extension is in order to allow you to keep submitting these two days the proposals, however we again reiterate that you should not wait until tomorrow in order to submit because we might end up in the same situation and no more extension can be granted.

In case you need assistance please feel free to contact us.

Kind regards,


Managing Authority/Joint Secretariat | Danube Transnational Programme

Ministry of Finance

Office Address: Széchenyi István tér 7-8, 1051 Budapest

Postal Address: József nádor tér 2-4, 1051 Budapest


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