Vabilo / Invitation: Uspešni Widening projekti RECETOX centra / Successful Widening projects of RECETOX center: 8. 7., ob /at 12.00

Raziskovalni center RECETOX, ki deluje v okviru Masarykove univerze, je bil v Obzorju 2020 med najuspešnejšimi prejemniki odobrenih Widening projektov, saj je dobil odobrene projekte vseh treh shem, Teaming, Twinning in ERACHair. Z direktorico RECETOX raziskovalnega centra prof. RNDr. Jano Klánovo se bomo pogovarjali o njihovih uspešnih projektih ter vplivu teh projektov na vlogo RECETOX raziskovalnega centra v regiji in širše. Vabimo vas, da se pridružite predstavitvi in pogovoru dne 8. julija, 2021 ob 12:00.

Zainteresirani se lahko prijavite na tej povezavi:

Z oddajo prijave se strinjate, da lahko vaše osebne podatke obdelujemo za potrebe tega dogodka. Kot izvajalci dogodka bomo lahko dostopali do vaših osebnih podatkov (ime in priimek ter e-mail).

Vsem prijavljenim bomo naknadno poslali povezavo do Zoom srečanja.

Za dodatna vprašanja se obrnite na email:

Pred dogodkom si lahko ogledate tudi naslednje spletne strani:

The RECETOX Centre web page:

 Teaming project webpage

and the video from the Teaming kick-off

Lep pozdrav,

Univerzitetna služba za raziskovalno dejavnost



Dear Sir or Madam!

 RECETOX, which is a research center at the Masaryk University, was among the most successful applicants of Widening projects in Horizon 2020 and was approved for the funding of all three Widening schemes: Teaming, Twinning and ERAChair. The director of the RECETOX Research Center prof. RNDr. Jana Klánová , PhD. will present their successful Widening projects and the impact of those projects on the role of RECETOX research center in the region and wider.         

If you are interested to join the presentation and discussion, please register at the following link:                       

By submitting an application, you agree that we may process your personal data for the purposes of this event. As event providers we will be able to access your personal information (name and surname and e-mail).

 All the registered participants will get the link to the Zoom session in due time.

 For additional questions, please contact email:

You can visit the following webistes before the event:

The RECETOX Centre web page:

 Teaming project webpage

 and the video from the Teaming kick-off

 Kind regards,

 University Office for Research

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