[VABILO] na EUTOPIA webinar “European funding of research and opportunities for EUTOPIA”, v torek, 23.11.2021 ob 14h

Spodaj posredujemo vabilo na webinar “European funding of research: novelties of Horizon Europe and opportunities for EUTOPIA“, ki bo potekal v okviru Tedna EUTOPIA, v torek, 23.11.2021 ob 14h.

Gre za virtualni dogodek, namenjen raziskovalcem, ki želijo spoznati priložnosti, ki jih ponuja Horizon Europe. Podrobnosti in povezava do prijave so v posredovanem vabilu spodaj.

Dogodek bo pripravila partnerska univerza EUTOPIE, Vrije Universiteit Brussel.


This webinar is organised by VUB in the frame of the EUTOPIA week 23-26 Nov. 2021 (you can also consult the full week schedule).

It summarizes key features of the Horizon Europe programme with a focus on the European Research Council and Marie- Skłodowska Curie calls. Novelties related to open science practices, ethics and research integrity, gendered research and innovation are highlighted.

The webinar is relevant for researchers at all stages of their career. No prior knowledge of past programmes is required.

Aims: after this webinar, researchers will understand the programme’s context, objectives and set-up. This will help them consider which calls might be relevant to advance their research and scientific/scholarly career, and whether reaching out to EUTOPIA partners for joint projects might be useful.

Non-aims: this is not a brokerage session to meet potential partners.

Eager to join?

–> Register to EUTOPIA week and indicate you will participate in Nov. 23 14pm webinar

–> Interest in this webinar only? Save the date now and Please register here for the session. You will be added to the meeting invite and the link will be provided later


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